Page 32 - March 2023 Issue
P. 32
will be about how to grout and fi nish
your project.
Maximum eight students so be sure to
sign up early!
Caroline County Public Schools
High School Student Art Exhibit
Opening Reception: Friday, March 10
from 4-6 PM at The Foundry. Artwork
The Foundry on display thru March.
featuring artists in Caroline County
Mark Grande Scholarship
401 Market Street, Denton Opportunities!
Wed. – Fri., Noon - 5; Sat., 10-3 CCCA is now accepting applications
for the 2023 Mark Grande Scholar-
Featured Artists of the Month ship. Total funding in the amount of
$3000 will be distributed to 2-6 Junior
To read the full artist’s bio, visit our
Lori & Jeremy Goldman or Senior students ($500-$1500 per
website. Check out pottery on display
Briarhook Farm Ceramics award) who are pursuing a higher
and for sale at The Foundry in March
education in the performing or visual
“We each have our favorite shapes/ and year-round.
arts. Deadline to submit is June 15.
things to ‘throw’ and we assist each CLASSES & EVENTS Apply now on our website!
other in the entire process: making,
adding decorations or handles, load- Register for our classes online at www. Artisians on the Choptank
ing the kiln, bisque and glazing, and Saturday, March 11 from 11-3 PM
the final glaze firing. It is always excit-
ing to open a glaze firing and see the Empty Bowls Souper Fundraiser Come to the Wharves of Choptank
resultant finished pottery! All pieces Friday, March 3rd from 4-6 PM Visitors Center in Denton, and join us
are stoneware, high fire, oven, micro- for Artisians on the Choptank! Enjoy
wave, dishwasher safe. We hope our Save the date! Grab a bowl and pint of food, artisians, DIY arts & crafts,
soup at Chesapeake Culinary Center.
pottery gives as much joy to everyone music, craft beer, a flower bar and
as it does to us!” Proceeds benefit the CCPS Backpack more. Admission is free.
Program and Aaron’s Place.
Write On!
Write-On! is on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
from 6:30-8:00 PM via Zoom. Join local
legend Keith Shaff er for a fun, upbeat
writing class where participants choose
their own writing methods and share
Trophies • Plaques their stories with a different topic each
Acrylics • Medallions session. This is an adults only writing
class. Participation is free.
Call us about your
project or event Community Paint Day! Denton
Artsway Mainstreet Banners
Recognize Excellence
Reward Achievement Saturday, April 1st from 11-2 PM
5 to7 day turn around time Mosaic Sculpture: Sailboats at Th e Foundry
All work done on premises
Every Wednesday in March from 5:30-7 For more information visit www.caro-
PM. $25/class, $100 for 5-classes.
410-479-8330 In this “open studio” class you will learn
Fax: 410-479-8442 how to create a mixed media mosaic.
Hours: 10-5 Mon. - Fri. No experience needed! For ages 8 and above. Th e final session for the month