Page 38 - March 2023 Issue
P. 38

and seniors that are residents of the   Our next scheduled delivery was for
                                               Maryland and  Delaware Mason-Dixon   the hospital bed we had just picked up.
                                               Line Communities and environs of   This delivery was requested by another

                                               Marydel.                          physical therapist for a 78 yr old patient
                                                                                 in Wittman. While in route to Wittman,
                                               Should you feel led to want to learn more   we made our third stop and delivered
                                               about the Marydel Lions Club including   the wheelchair to the Andrews residence
                                               membership, please do not hesitate to
                       “We Serve”                                                in Easton.
                                               contact Lion Lee at leevoshell@gmail.
                     Preston Lions Club        com or Lion Terry at terryhiggins38@  Our fourth stop in Wittman is where
                                      We would be delighted to   we met Mrs. Tyler’s son and delivered
            Preston Lions Club meet the 2nd and
                                               talk with you!                    the electric hospital bed with a mattress

            and 4th Thursday of every month at 6: 30
                                                                                 and side rails. We received another
            PM at 114 Williamson  Street in Preston.
                                               Also, if anyone is in need of medical   phone call while at the Tyler’s from a
                                               equipment, we have a selection available.
            April 8th we will hold our annual Easter                             lady in Easton who had some DME to
                                               Please call 443-786-0323.
            Egg Hunt at 114 Williamson Street in                                 donate. So it was back to Easton, where
            Preston. There will be free hot dogs                                 we made our fifth stop at the Hepler
                                               Keep watching we have more coming
            and bottled water for all and a special                              residence to pick up a like new bedside
                                               in the future!
            appearance will be made by a certain                                 commode and some adult diapers and
            rabbit!                                                              incontinence supplies.
                                                    Lions Durable Medical

             Marydel Lions Club Celebrates        Equipment Project Assist       Our final and sixth stop of the day was
                New Members and Plans                  Local Residents           in Cordova to deliver a walker and a
                       for Spring!                                               bedrail to assist a gentleman who was
                                               The Ridgely and Greensboro Lions Clubs   having some stability issues All in all a

                                               operate a Durable Medical Equipment   very productive day.
            The Marydel Lions Club’s February
                                               Loan Closet in our local community.
            Dinner Business Meeting was
                                               We do this by re-purposing good used   As you can see the Lions DME loan
            highlighted for the opportunity to
                                               medical equipment to people in need.   program is very busy we serve on aver-
            receive into membership four new
                                               Referrals come from local healthcare   age about 100 clients and caregivers per
            members. In addition to this outstanding

                                               and social service providers. We recently   month. This includes everything from
            event, the members and guests enjoyed
                                               assisted six families in our community   hospital beds to wheelchairs to walkers.
            great fellowship and an excellent dinner
                                               who needed some help and this all took   We could really use the community’s
            prepared by the Marydel Volunteer Fire
                                               place in one day.                 help. What we are looking for is a space
            Company Ladies Auxiliary under the
                                                                                 in the Ridgely/Greensboro area to store
            leadership of Sandy Houseman.
                                               First stop of the day, we assisted with   our durable medical equipment. The
                                               a request from a patient’s physical   ideal space would be approximately
            Due to the fact that our Club’s two
                                               therapist and we delivered a Hoyer   1500- 2500 square feet with a garage
            most recent fundraisers have been very
                                               lift  with a sling to a family in need in   door. If you have a space that might
            successful, the bulk of our discussion
                                               Queenstown.                       fit our needs, then contact Lion Dave

            was centered on two primary points
            – increasing the size and number of                                  Davis with the Ridgely Lions Club at
                                               Second, while we were in the
            our community grants and academic                                    443-786-2547 or ridgelylions@verizon.
                                               Queenstown area, we picked up a

            scholarship, as well as exploring the                                net. Thanks in advance for assistance.
                                               hospital bed and several pieces of DME
            opportunity for the members of our
                                               (durable medical equipment) from the   If you know of someone in need of
            local communities to support some ‘in
                                               Harris residence.                 assistance, then have their caregiver or
            the not to distant future’ fun and creative
                                                                                 healthcare provider contact the Ridgely
            fundraisers.                       While leaving three pieces of equipment
                                                                                 or Greensboro Lions Clubs to see if we
                                               at the Kent Island Lions Club’s DME
            The Marydel Lions Club, a member                                     are able to help. Message us at www.
                                               storage unit in Stevensville, we received
            of the International Lions Club, is                          at Ridgely Lions Club or
                                               a phone request for a wheelchair. Th is
            dedicated to providing local support for                             Greensboro MD Lions Club. If you are
                                               request came from a lady who recently
            vision, diabetes, hunger, environment                                reading this and you have some good
                                               had leg surgery.  Mrs. Andrews needed
            and childhood cancer in our local                                    used durable medical equipment that
                                               a wheelchair with an elevated right
            communities.  One hundred percent of                                 you would like to donate to our proj-
                                               footrest so that she would be able to

            all of the money that we raise through                               ect then let us know. The Lions Clubs
                                               attend her son’s Senior Night celebration
            our local fundraisers is used to support                             International motto is “We Serve”. If we
                                               at St. Michael’s High School.
            the programs and projects that benefi t                              can serve you or you can help us serve
            the children, youth, families, adults                                others, then let us know.
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