Page 57 - March 2023 Issue
P. 57

physical activity. The Center welcomes Tyrell James once a

                                                                month for his Healthy Coaching presentations about Senior
             SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC                       Nutrition. Tyrell is also back this month for SAIL Fitness, if
                                                                you are interested in evidence-based fitness, please call the

                       Marti Wright  •  Owner
                                                                Center with dates and times of these free classes. Th is month
                   Independent Insurance Broker                 the Center will have many March themed activities such as our

                                                                “Household” Bingo, Medication Thursday with Melanie, and
                      Over 25 Years Experience with             a variety of March themed arts and crafts. Call our Activities

                     Medicare Supplement Insurance              Director Geraldine Warner, or Brandy Hatton at 410-829-2535
                                                                for more information.
                         Phone: (410) 443-1169
                                                                   Medical Adult Day Care
            along the tax to the state, who deposits into the General Fund
            so check your receipts! And, of course, your groceries and        by Carole Friend LMSW
            prescription drugs continue to be tax exempt and we don’t pay

            local sales tax either, so that’s a savings.        The Caroline Medical Adult Day Care would like everyone to
                                                                know the facility is currently accepting new participants. To
            Unfortunately, Covid cost Caroline County the bulk of their   find out information about the Center, one can visit us online

            AARP volunteer tax preparers, so assistance will not be off ered   at and follow the Medical Adult Day Care
            at the Greensboro or Denton Library. Contact the Federalsburg   service drop-down. Or better yet, visit us at the Center located
            Library at 410-754-8397 to see if anything is available (Mondays   in the HAPS Building on 7th Street in Denton. The Center is

            only) from February 28 - April 11, or to get on a waitlist.   open Monday through Friday, 8:00- 4:00.  If you are interested
                                                                in a tour that can be arranged. Any questions, please feel free

            The IRS off ers a program called IRS Free File for those with   to contact the Center at 410-479-8065 and let us know how we
            an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $73,000 or less. It is free,   can help or email to carolinemedical.adultdaycare@maryland.

            guided tax preparation and filing preformed on an IRS partners   gov with any questions.
            website to qualifying taxpayers for the current tax year. Forms
            are also available for those whose income exceeds $73,000   March is such a delightful time of year. With spring in the air,
            and know how to do their taxes. Go to this user-friendly site   it is a great time to focus on your personal health. A health
            at for forms and details. Apparently, some of the   reminder this month is regarding your healthy vision.
            Federal IRS partners will also help with the Maryland state
            taxes.                                              March is National Save Your Vision Month.
                                                                It is our personal responsibility to self-care which includes
            Another option would be to schedule either a virtual or in   self-education concerning vision care before problems begin.
            person appointment for free Maryland Income tax preparation   First and foremost is having regular eye exams. While healthy
            through the Comptroller’s offi  ce after you have completed your   people don’t think twice about regular wellness checks from

            federal return. Go to www.maryland and search Free   their physicians or dentists, most don’t have an eye exam until
            Income Tax preparation for a link to virtual appointments.  For   they have a vision problem. Having regular eye exams helps
            in person assistance one can go to the Annapolis offi  ce of the   preserve eye health. For example, sight threatening glaucoma
            Comptroller on West Street (410-260-7980), or stay on this   can be identified and treated before one notices any eff ects on

            side of the bridge and  schedule an appointment in  Salisbury     vision. Comprehensive eye exams also can identify systemic
            (410-546-8100).                                     issues, such as diabetes, even before they show up in a routine
            Turbo tax has a free basic program for simple taxes, which

            includes live help and a final review before filing.  Th e website   We rely on sight more than any other sense to enjoy life to the

            states that the taxpayer must file by March 31, 2023. Go to   fullest. Your vision changes naturally throughout your life.
                              For example:

            The Caroline County Senior Center is happy to welcome   There are three steps you can take to help take care of your
            Brandy Hatton as the new Senior Center Manager! Brandy   sight:
            brings experience working with Seniors, a warm personality,
                                                                  •  Visit an eye doctor regularly
            and plenty of great ideas to the Center! Both members and staff
                                                                  •  Budget for proper eye care
            look forward to her bright future at the Denton Senior Center!
                                                                  •  Make changes to help yourself see better

            March is National Nutrition Month! The purpose of this month
                                                                Age plays a big part of sight health, you may know that with
            is to bring awareness to individuals about the importance of
            good nutrition. This month we at the Senior Center encourage

            you to make healthy changes to your diet and increase your   •  Your eyes need more light to see
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