Page 59 - March 2023 Issue
P. 59

Holiday for                 a beautiful, hand carved duck decoy
                                               donated by Chris Martin. Th roughout
                Hospice: Belly                 the event 50/50 raffle tickets were sold.

                   Bustin Grill                Brian Wood, with Lifetime Drilling,
                                               was the lucky winner of the raffl  e and
                 Owners Raise                  generously donated his winnings back
             Funds for Compass                 to the cause.                               Spaghetti
                                               This year’s event would not have                 Dinner
            On December 17, Jake and Vickie    been possible without the support of
            Sizemore, owners of Belly Bustin   the event staff, sponsors, and those                   4-7
            Grill food trailer, hosted their   individuals and businesses that                        PM
            annual Holiday for Hospice event to   donated items.

            benefit Compass. At this year’s event
                                               Event Staff : Margie Cook, Jesse Porter,   Thursday, March 2 & April 6
            they raised over $11,000 to support
            Compass’ hospice care, supportive   Mona, Brian, and Michael Karsseboom,   first  ursday of the month –
                                               and Brandis Messerschmidt.
            care, and grief support services                                          All you can eat spaghetti,
            throughout the Caroline, Kent, and   Sponsors: Mountaire Farms, Atlantic     salad, bread, drink.
            Queen Anne’s counties. Holiday for   Tractor, Hutchison's Supply, Integrated   Adults $11. Take-out available.
            Hospice is an annual event that Jake   Collision, Southern States, Russell
            and Vickie host and prepare for all year.   Parks & Son, Outsiders Towing, Holt,   Gluten-Free Noodles now

            Throughout the evening guests had a   Star Trucking, Eaton Farms, Bonnie   available, first come, first
            variety of opportunities to support   Bishop, Stacy Blanchfield, and Brandis      served)

            the cause including a live auction and   Messerschmidt.                     Chicken 'N
            a 50/50 raffl  e.
                                               Gift Cards/Gift Certificates, and         Dumpling
            This event was inspired by Jake and   Items: Greensboro VFD, Save A             Dinner
            Vickie’s own experience with hospice.     Lot, Aft er Glow, Mr. Dave Williams,
            In 2017, after Jake’s mother passed   Debbie Ireland, Red Chef, Ridgley                  Sunday,
            away under the hospice services of   VFD, Carrie Sue Cupcakery, Taylor
            the Gilchrist Center in Howard     Parsons, Anita's Hair Salon, Belly                    April 30
            County while touched by the amazing   Bustin Grill, Outstanding Dreams                      $13
            dedication of the hospice nurse, Th e   Alpaca Farm, Wicked Woods, La
            Sizemores wanted to find a way to give   Delizia, Schrader's Outdoors, Kelly   Hall Rental

            back to the organization that served   McClyment Photography, Ivylynn     Visit our website for availability
            their family. Every year they would   Porter, Ben Cline, Dale Larrimore,
            host a Christmas party and decided to   Trans America Life Insurance, Bill &   This is an annual event that is hosted in

            put donation jars for hospice. Over the   Son Mower Repair, Carletto's, Ruby   December each year. If you would like
            years the event grew and grew along   Gingell, & Mona Karsseboom.    to support this event this year through
            with the generosity of their family,
                                               Gift Baskets: Barb Beitzell, Randy   donations or helping with planning,
            friends, and local businesses.
                                               Ridgley, Vickie Sizemore, Bonnie   please reach out to Vickie Sizemore at
            Starting in 2021, The Sizemores    Ireland, Karen Patak, Sudlersville Meat   443-277-5007 or ctyconcessions@aol.
            decided that they wanted Holiday for   Locker, Brandis Messerschmidt, Peggy   com. Compass is incredibly grateful
            Hospice to benefit Compass, as it is the   Connley, DJ Captain Morgan, Eaton   for the support received from Holiday

            hospice provider in Caroline County   Farms, Mary Beth Clough, Kaila &   for Hospice. The Sizemore’s generosity
            where they live. In 2022, their goal for   Nikki Cary, Bucky Simpson, Caitlyn   truly exemplifies community. We
            the event was to raise $5,000. Th rough   Poole, Greensboro Pharmacy, Alexis   are honored to have been chosen as
            donations and support from the     Martin, Terry Sears, Emily Rippeon,   recipients of their kindness, and this
            community they raised over $11,000.   Jesse Porter, Carrie Sears, Brittany   will allow us to continue our important
            During the event, Randy Ridgley,   Gross, Strawberry Blonde, Chance   mission.
            with Ridgley Auction Services, ran   Construction, Lean's Bar, Karen
            the live auction that boasted a variety   Ireland, & Jaye Sheldon.

            of different items and gift baskets. Th e
            highest bid item from the auction was   Meat for the Event: Twin Walnut
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