Page 26 - January 2021 Issue.indd
P. 26
H ealth C orner Tips, Classes and
Programs to help
you live healthier!
Are you smoking/vaping to be social or reasons and important to you.
to fit in with friends? Do you see vaping
Pick your quit date. Seek out support
as a “safer alternative” to smoking? Do
and free resources. Check out some
you like the flavors but worry about
options on the Commit to Quit
Leave Smoking and Vaping in becoming dependent on your vape? Resource Guide. Decide how you
2020 Are you concerned that your kids may want to quit – cold turkey, reduction
think vaping is safe, fun, or cool and
method, or using nicotine replacement
may pick it up themselves?
By Heather Grove, RN BSN medicines. Obtain any medications you
I know it is a lot to consider but plan to use. Stock up on oral substitutes
I think we can all agree that 2020 was a
validating why you do something is like sugarless gum, carrot sticks, or hard
rough year and it is time for a change.
important before you decide to give it candy. Make a plan for dealing with
We all want many things as we bring in
up. your triggers.
a New Year. Maybe one thing you want
is to stop smoking or vaping. Now let us think about a few more On or before your quit date, get rid of
Do you want to save money? Improve things: What is your end goal? Do any cigarettes, lighters, vapes, chargers,
your health? How about take back your you want to smoke less? Vape less? Do juices, etc. that you have decided you
freedom? Is this the year you want to you want to remove as many harmful do not want to use anymore. Tell your
quit smoking and/or vaping for good? chemicals from your body as possible? friends and family about your plan and
If maybe or yes, keep reading, this Is your end goal to quit smoking and ask for their support.
article is for you! vaping altogether? Prepare to feel not as well during those
Thinking about the questions listed fi rst few days as the nicotine and other
We all know that breathing fresh, clean
above can help you prepare for quitting chemicals are leaving your body. Drink
air is best for our lungs and overall
and build a successful quit plan. Having lots of water. Exercise if you can. It is
health. I am not going to lecture you
a plan increases your chances of success. a great distraction from cravings and
about why you should quit but instead,
can help you feel better. Take things
if you are thinking about quitting, To get started on your quit plan,
I want to provide you with some think about your personal reasons for one day at a time and reward yourself
information that could be helpful in wanting to quit before your quit date. throughout the quitting process for
the process and support your decision. Remembering these will come in handy your success. You got this!
when a craving strikes. Your reasons If you have questions or want help
First, let us think about a few things.
might include saving money, breathing getting started, please reach out to me at
Are you smoking/vaping to relieve
easier, or being a good infl uence for 410-829-0848. That is my work cell for
stress? Are you smoking/vaping as a
your family. It does not really matter Caroline County Health Department
way to “get away” or take a break? Did
what those reasons actually are but it so feel free to call, text, or leave me a
you start smoking years ago and are not
matters that they are your personal voicemail. I can help connect you to the
sure how it turned into such a problem?
Maryland Quitline and get you started
KEEP THE BEAT on your quit plan!
Some Children at Higher Risk of
Lead Poisoning
CPR & First Aid Training
By Latara Brooks, Caroline County
Training for: • Boat Captains Health Department
• Healthcare • Coaches...
• Daycare we do them all! Any child can be exposed to lead but
CPR and First Aid
some children are at higher risk. Lower
valid for 2 years
410-758-2022 Quality, fun income families and those who live in
WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS 147 Log Canoe Cir. homes built before 1978 with original
& aff ordable
For upcoming classes: Stevensville, MD 21666 leaded paint are among those at highest
training! risk. Other common factors for risk
include living near industrial facilities