Page 12 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 12

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                           by Tolbert Rowe

                                   Student Loan Payment Forbearance

            On April 6, President Biden extended   The purpose of allowing borrowers to   $50,000 by not working) found their way
            the student loan payment forbearance   pause in making their payments was   back to work.
            program until August 31, 2022,     meritorious and allegedly good for the   Jobs were, and still are available in

            eff ectively giving borrowers a 2 ½ year   economy. First, it afforded those most   nearly every profession. As vaccines

            reprieve from monthly payments. When   affected by the slow down and in some   became more accepted and the
            the COVID pandemic hit in March 2020   cases the shutdown of the economy,   rate of infection dropped so has the
            and the unemployment rate shot up   breathing room by relieving them of   number of unemployed workers. The
            to 14.70% in April of 2020, everyone   one payment they were responsible for   unemployment rate in March of 2022
            was concerned about what was going to   making. Borrowers could focus what   was 3.6% for those who have a bachelor’s
            happen. We were in uncharted territory   funds they did have in paying off  other   degree the rate was 2%.
            and hundreds of thousands of people   high interest loans or build up savings
            suddenly were out of work.         for an emergency fund or to buy a big-  President Biden, citing a recent study by
                                               ticket item like a vehicle or a house.  the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
            In addition to eliminating the need                                  said millions of borrowers could face
            to make student loan payments for   By April of 2021, the unemployment   delinquency or default if payments were
            everyone, whether employed or not   rate fell by more than half to 6%, and   to commence after May 1, as scheduled,

            employed, Congress and President   the Democrats, who now controlled the   this according to an April 7 article in Th e
            Trump approved the $900 billion    wheels of government, fueled the fl ames   Wall Street journal by Gabriel T Rubin
            Covid Relief Bill. Along with enhanced   of inflation by throwing another $1.9   and Andrew Restuccia. President Biden
            unemployment benefits that added   trillion into the economy. This boost of   further stated the pause would allow

            as much as $600 per week in Federal   stimulus money increased infl ation from   borrowers to prepare to resume making
            unemployment benefits to state benefi ts   an annual rate of 2.6% in February of   their payments.

            already being paid, the Relief Bill also   2021 to 5.2% in May of 2021. And from
            provided checks of up to $1,200 per   there inflation continued to accelerate   Odd that 98% of those with bachelor’s

            taxpayer to help Americans weather the   past 6% in October 2021 to 7.5% in   degrees are working, and 96.4% of
            pandemic storm.                    January 2022. And President Biden is   everyone else, need time to “prepare” to
                                               blaming our current inflation bubble on   make their payments?

            Remember how some people were
            making more in unemployment benefi ts   Vladimir Putin?              The study actually found just the
            than they did working? Remember how   All the money thrown at the COVID   opposite, according to an OP/ED in the

            difficult it was for some businesses to get   pandemic has managed to get people   same April 7 Wall Street Journal. “Th e

            people to come back to work when there   back to work. Even those who made   study actually found that delinquency
            was an easing of pandemic restrictions.   more than they ever had with the   rates for commercially owned federal
            “Why go back to work to make less than   enhanced unemployment benefi ts (some   loans not covered by the pause fell early
            I make not working” was the common   unemployed were making more than   in the pandemic and then returned to
            response.                                                            pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2021.
                                                                                 That is not a catastrophe.”

              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”                              My question for President Biden is, “do
                                                                                 you think unemployment, and overall
                                                                                 employment will be better in August
             Purchase or Refinance                                               than it is now, with unemployment at
                                                                                 3.6% and over 11 million jobs currently
                                                                                 unfilled? Will inflation over 8% make

                                                                                 it easier for borrowers to “prepare to
                                                                                 resume” their payments 4-5 months
                                                                                 from now? You don’t have to be a rocket
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  scientist, or better a Harvard educated
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,     economist to know the answer, No...
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  There is no question to me and many

                                                                                 others that this extension is politically
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                motivated to the extent that it will be
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