Page 26 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 26

(FACES) Fiber Arts               Patriotic Sampler Quilt Class     to square off blocks. Come join us
                                                                                 for two fun days of stitching the Red,
                      Center                   Session 1, July 21 and Session 2,   White and Blue!
                                               August 18. Time: 10-3.
             of the Eastern Shore              Instructor: Priscilla Hodge. Cost: $40   Please call Kay Butler to sign up at

                 7 N. 4th St., Denton, MD      Member, $50 Non Member.           410-829-5136.
                      410-479-4296             Class Description: Students will
                 info@fi     celebrate their patriotism by learn-
                                               ing techniques of how to sew patch-
            Raw Edge Tile Applique Class | June   work and paper pieced quilt blocks as
            25 from 10-2                       well as machine applique. Th ere are
            Instructor: Candy Stiffler of Quilt   four patchwork and five paper pieced

            Vine. Cost: $35.                   blocks in the sampler.
            Class Description: In this class you
                                               This is a great way to learn a myriad

            will learn the method to make a Raw   of stitching skills as well as how to
            Edge Tile Applique quilt wall hanging.   use an Add-AQuarter ruler and how

            The patches in the quilt are raw edge
            applique and will fray when washed to
            create a beautiful dimensional quilt!
            You will choose from one of Quilt                DELICIOUS ALL-U-CAN-EAT MENU!
            Vine’s Raw Edge Tile patterns. To          Limited Seating … Reserve your tickets today!
            obtain these call 410-476-6166.
                                                     St. Benedict Bluegrass Fest
            Candy will also have these available
            to sell at the Fiber Arts Center. Class
            Level: Beginner. Student Supply List:      Saturday, June 4, 2022  •  2-7 pm
            Quilt Vine pattern, materials listed on   St. Benedict Parish Hall  | 408 Central Ave., Ridgely, MD
            back of pattern, thread to coordinate,
            white school glue or water soluble           THREE AWESOME LOCAL BANDS...
            glue stick, Frixion pen(heat erasable
            pen), sewing machine in good work-                     featuring
            ing order that can do a decorative              FLATLAND DRIVE                  ALL-U-CAN EAT MENU
            stitch, paper scissors, normal sewing                                               Steamed Shrimp
            supplies.                                                                           Pulled Pork BBQ
                                                                                               BBQ Chicken Quarters
                                                                                                 Italian Sausage
                                                                                            Many delicious side dishes
                                                                                                   & desserts
                                                                                             EAT UNTIL THE FOOD
                                                                                                RUNS  OUT!
                                                                        along with               CASH BAR
                                                                        Blue Train            Draft Beer & Wine
                                                                    Bluegrass Band             AUCTION  ITEMS

                                                                    and Sweet South       FREE LINE DANCE LESSONS
                                                                                             between music sets
                                                                       String Band
                                                                                             KID’S ACTIVITIES  &
                                                                                               BOUNCE HOUSE
                                                  TICKETS:  $45 per person/$80 per couple
                                                          (Kid’s 12 & under FREE)
                                                 Tickets can be purchased by contacting the   FUN WITH FELLOW
                                                      Parish Office at 410.634.2253 or         PARISHIONERS &
                                         or purchase         NEIGHBORS!
                                                   online by clicking the QR Code above.

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