Page 30 - May 2022 Issue.indd
P. 30

Buying or Selling?
             Your Chamber

                  at Work

                   by Tracey Snyder, Executive Director of
                   Caroline County Chamber of Commerce
            Please welcome the following new members: Odriews Private   I’m the KEY
            Chef Services, Rick Breeding Excavating, Caroline Pride,
            Caroline Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare, Preston   to your next

            Coffee Company, Redemption Farms, Shore Party Rentals,

            Let’s Brunch Cafe and The Churchill Th eatre! Th e Caroline
            County Chamber of Commerce, its members, myself and the         HOME
            Board of Directors are very excited to welcome so many new
            members into our chamber!

            Mark your calendar for May 14. We have our fi rst ever Battle
            of the Foodies set for May 14 in beautiful Downtown Denton!

            The event begins at 11 AM and will run until 3 PM. Chefs and
            Food Trucks will battle it out for your vote. We have some
            fantastic vendors and sponsors as well! Check out all things
            Battle of the Foodies on our Facebook page and website today!

            We have our Small Business Academy each month for
            members and non-members alike. Our most recent class was
            entitled Professional Bio and social media pictures was taught
            by Shoretobefun Photography owner Steve Atkinson. We have
            subjects that are important to all business owners and future
            business owners. We will be discussing Press Releases on May   Amy Endzel, Realtor
            11. Visit our website for more details.                           Direct: 443-786-5189
                                                                              Office: 410-972-4000
            We held our Wrap-Up Legislative Breakfast on April 14  and
            had a nice turn out! We would like to thank Senators Hershey
            and Eckardt along with Delegates Mautz, Jacobs, Adams,
            Ghrist, and Arentz for attending and sharing their feedback
            on the recent session. Special thanks to the Ridgley Firehouse
            for allowing us to host the event at their facility.

            The Caroline Nonprofit Network has also begun hosting
            fundraiser dinners again. Thank you to Towers Museum for

            allowing us to host at their beautiful facility and to Jameyra’s on
            Call for being our chef at the April 27 dinner! Please consider
            attending, donating or volunteering!                  Teachers & School Staff
            We have begun hosting monthly meet & greets all over Caroline
            County for professionals of all ages! Please plan to join us May
            25 at Preston Ford in Denton from 4:00 PM -6:00 PM. No cost   Ask me for details on how I'm
            to attend, but please bring your business cards with you!   giving back to the teachers and
            Finally, the chamber has moved! We are now located at 8 N.   school staff that I have a privilege
            2nd Street in Denton! Same email and phone number.              of working with in 2022!

            For more information visit us at:,
                                                                              Let me help you!
            email us at or call 410-479-4638.

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