Page 18 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 18

HRS Properties, LLC to Tomas Jairo   Shelly L. Fisher to Naveed Khan, 304   Shelley N. Chauncey to Robert W. J.
            Godinez Cabrera and Joselyn Mayte   Main Street, Federalsburg, $50,000.  MacGilfrey and Leslie C. Collier, 309

            Velasquez, 108 Boyce Mill Road,    Amanda J. Hill to Heath Z. Gauger   South Third Street, Denton, $295,000.
            Greensboro, $42,000.               and Katherine E. Giuva, 209 S. Sixth   Gail M. Nagel to Steven H. Harris and
            ECH Land LLC to Edward Craig       Street, Denton, $290,000.         Julie L. Harris, Tanyard Road, Preston,
            Smith, Deborah Margaret Smith and   Fredic Joel Fuentes Salvador to LO   $300,000.
            Luke Paul Smith, Harmony Road, Lot   Properties, LLC, 307 Bernard Avenue,   Nichols Farm, LLC to A.R. Builders,
            5, Denton, $95,000.                Greensboro, $170,000.             Inc., 12475 Greensboro Road, Lots 2,
            Arlene V. Tennant Living Trust to   Robert M. Watson and Jessica L.   3, & 4, Greensboro, $225,000.
            Robert Michael Marks, Jr. and Cynthia   Watson to Robert D. Miclean and   The Estate of Ernest Clayland Quillen

            Ann Marks, 7.48 acres, Cranfi eld   Kristina J. Miclean, 11126 Tuckahoe   to Haines B. Holt, 5239 Preston Road,
            Road, Denton, $122,000.            Road, Denton, $500,000.           Federalsburg, $124,000.

                                                                                 Savannah B. Pate to Dorsey Kevin
                                                                                 Blades and Christine L. Blades, 1110
             Sinclair Construction                                               Market Street, Denton, $172,000.

               30 yrs. Building Service on the Eastern Shore                     Charles David Rhoten and Ethel May
                                                                                 Rhoten to Michael Anthony Boags,
                            Specializing in                                      Sr. and Geneva Boags, 8592 Tuckahoe
                 New Homes  •  Additions  •  Siding  •  Roofs                    Road, Denton, $365,000.
                       Decks  •   Kitchens  •  Baths           MHIC#31929
                                                                                 James A. Smith, Jr., Robert L. Bayliss
                           REMODEL or NEW
                                                                                 and Ryan Maloney to Ryan M.
             410-924-4669             443-439-9712                               Maloney and Andrea L. Maloney, 416
                                                                                 West Sunset Avenue, Greensboro,
             6716 American Corner Road, Denton, MD 21629

                      Water Management -                                                    Commercial &
                           Tile Drainage                                                     Agricultural

                                                                                               Site Work

                                                                                             Wildlife Ponds
                                                                                            Ditch Excavation

                                                                                            Grass Waterways

                                                                                        DELMARVA OVER
                                                                                             40 YEARS

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