Page 27 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 27

Caroline CASA

             Court Appointed Special Advocate
                 by Amy Horne, Executive
                Director, CASA of Caroline

            Most nonprofit organizations will agree
            that volunteers are an integral part of
            the important work they do in the
            community and every organization
            will tell you that they have the best
            volunteers. But at CASA of Caroline, we
            really mean it because our volunteers
            are the backbone of our organization.     Pictured left to right: Family Magistrate S. Craig Sewell, Cindy Carlile, Sue

            Without them, we could not provide   Bradbury, Judge Price, Jennifer Riley, Kelly Hayman and Amy Horne
            voices to children who’ve experienced
            abuse or neglect and have been placed
            in foster care. Without them, we could   Cindy Carlile and Sue Bradbury, both   Welcome!”, she said aft er administering
            not fulfill our mission.           from Denton. Prior to the official   the oath.

                                               swearing in, Judge Price noted the
            On Friday, November 18, CASA of    important role of a CASA volunteer   Family Magistrate S. Craig Sewell
            Caroline proudly welcomed four     and thanked the women for their hard   also attended the swearing-in and
            new volunteers who successfully    work to successfully complete the   remarked how important the reports
            completed the 30-hour pre-service   class, as well as their commitment to   provided by CASA volunteers are to
            training program and have made the   serving the children in Caroline County   his ability to make the best possible
            commitment to advocate on behalf of   foster care.  “As CASAs, you all provide   recommendations and decisions for
            children in foster care. Th e Honorable   valuable information for us, as judges,   each child in need of assistance who
            Heather L. Price administered the   to consider when deciding what’s in   appears in court. “There is no way I
            CASA oath to Jennifer Riley of Denton,   the best interest of a child. I appreciate   could ever place a value on the work
            Kelly Hayman of Ridgely, and sisters                                 that you do,” he stated.
                                               you all and the work that you do.

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