Page 28 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 28

“We are beyond thrilled to have these four women as CASA
            volunteers”, said Amy Horne, Executive Director for CASA   Now offering cleaning methods and products to
            of Caroline. “Not only do each of them bring valuable   protect your home or business that are approved
            experiences as mothers, nurses, caregivers, and members of   by the CDC and EPA in the fight against Covid-19.
            the community, but they also bring their hearts and a passion   Contact us so that we can create a customizable plan
            for children”, she said. Ms. Horne also stated that this class of      for the disinfection of your home or businessss


            volunteers is very unique because CASA of Caroline is trying

            a CASA Team Model for the first time. “Cindy and Sue are
            sisters and they approached me about working a case and
            advocating for a child together, as a team. I know this model
            has been extremely eff ective in other jurisdictions, so we’re
            excited to launch it here in Caroline County! Th e investigative   Residential & Commercial
            and advocacy work involved with being a CASA can be              Co
                                                                             Construction Cleaning
            emotionally draining and while we provide supervision for           Window Cleaning
            all our volunteers, we see a huge benefit for volunteers to have

            a built-in support system. Without both parties being sworn   One time - Weekly  –  Bi-Weeklyy
            in by the court as advocates, they would not be able to share     Monthly or customize a

            information due to confidentiality. Also, it’s an extra set of eyes   For   schedule that’s right
                                                                                     for you!
            on that child who has already experienced abuse or neglect”.
                                                                  Over 25 years!
            CASA of Caroline is planning their next pre-service training
            class to start in late-March. If you are interested in learning
            more about ways you can support CASA or applying to     Details Cleaning Service
            become a volunteer advocate, please contact Amy Horne at
            410-479-8301 or or visit www.
                                                                    Owners: Chris &      Free         Bonded &

            The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention funded this project under   Shelly Macmillan    Estimates    Insured

            sub-award number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063. All points of view   800-482-8009  •  443-867-7330  • 443-867-7331
            in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the

            offi  cial position of any State or Federal Agency. This project is supported by a

            grant from the Maryland Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts number


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