Page 35 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 35

To purchase an RLC Sportsman’s raffl  e   New Members Potential and
                                               ticket, see any Ridgely Lions Club      Fundraising Success!
                                               member. If you are in Ridgely, you can

                                               purchase one at the Ridgely Pharmacy,   The members of the Marydel Lions Club
                                               All About Hair, or Provident State Bank.     are currently in the midst of two very
                                               In Denton you can pick-up a ticket at the   successful fundraisers. Th is delightful
                                               Denton Diner, or stop by the Tuckahoe   turn of events is due to the energetic
                       “We Serve”              Sportsman in Queen Anne. For more   salesmanship of the Club members
                                               info on the raffle, go to Facebook/  and the outstanding advertisement,
                  Ridgely Lions 2023           Ridgely Lions Club or www.ridgelyli-  prepared by Loretta Warfi eld, Publisher
               Sportsman’s Raffl e Ticket or email us at  ridgelylions@  of the Caroline Review. The first of
                                                                                 these fundraisers is entitled ‘Marydel
             Makes a Great Stocking Stuffer                      Lions Club Goes Whole Hog’! Raffle
                                               Proceeds from this fundraiser will be   tickets are one for $5 or three for $10
            The Ridgely Lions Club is selling chances

            on their annual fundraiser, the January   used to support Lions Club programs   for this fundraiser, raffl  ing off  a whole

            2023 Sportsman’s Raffle. A daily raffl  e   and projects.            hog that has been dressed, processed

            prize is awarded each day in January   To support local Lions Club projects   and wrapped, and will be available
            based on the Maryland Lottery 3-Digit   with the purchase of a Sportsman   from any member of the Club and
            Evening drawing. For a $20 donation   Raffle ticket, call Lion Ross Harper   will continue through December 6, at
            to the Ridgely Lions Club, you have 31   at 410-336-1791, Lion Dave Davis at   which time the winning ticket will be
            chances to win on every raffl  e ticket from   443-786-2547,   or Lion Gerry Sutton   drawn at the Club’s December Dinner
            Jan.1 - Jan. 31. Prizes include everything   at 443-786-0848. If you are interested   Business Meeting. Orders for tickets
            from a Benelli Cordova 12 GA shotgun   in helping your community and maybe   can be placed by contacting any Club

            to a Blough’s Seafood Gift  certificate to a   joining a local service organization, the   member or via wvoshell@wintransport.
            Wicked Ridge Black Hawk Crossbow to   Lions club would love to hear from you.     net or or

            a Weatherby Mark V rifle. Prizes in the   Contact Lion Donna DiGiacomo, Lions   302-363-5823.

            raffle are provided by a local sporting   membership chairman at 410-310-6126   The second of these fundraisers is
            goods store, the Tuckahoe Sportsman, at   or   Honey! Specifically, Lee’s Bees, All
            22145 Shore Highway in Denton.                                       Natural Local Honey. Two varieties of
                                                                                 this excellent local honey are available,

                     Marydel Lions Club   Goes Whole Hog – with Honey!

                                     Winning ticket
                                      will be selected on                           1 lb. jar for $9
                                     Tuesday, December 6.
                                                                                  LEE’S BEES
                                                                             All Natural Local Honey

              200 lbs. ofHog                  processed and                TWO VARIETIES AVAILABLE:
                                                                          Amber Wildflower Honey and
                                                                       Light Baby Lima Bean Flower Honey.
               Tickets available from         Sales information available from
                  or or  from any, 410-482-8510 or
                      member of the Marydel Lions Club.            from any member of the Marydel Lions Club,

                 100% of all funds raised by the Club are returned to the children, youth, families, adults and seniors of the MD
                    and DE Mason-Dixon Line communities of the Marydel area through the Club’s programs and projects.
                                            Questions can be directed to 1-302-363-5823

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