Page 39 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 39

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               is no risk-free level of secondhand   •  Getting sick more oft en with
                                               smoke. Even short-term exposure can    respiratory problems like
                                               be harmful to health.                  bronchitis and pneumonia
                                               Maryland’s Clean Indoor Air Act     •  Developing ear infections
             Secondhand Smoke Awareness        prohibits smoking in all indoor     •  Having asthma attacks which
                                               public places. This act helps protect   are more frequent and severe

                 By Heather Grove, BSN RN
                                               Maryland residents from exposure to    when compared to children
            Secondhand smoke is a combination   secondhand smoke where they live,     who have asthma and are not
            of the smoke that comes from the   work, and play.                        exposed to secondhand smoke
            burning end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar
            and the smoke that is breathed out   Dangers to non-smokers that are   How Can I Protect Myself and My
            by the person smoking. Secondhand   exposed to secondhand smoke      Children?

            smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals,   include:                        • The best thing to do is to strive
            many of which are known to cause    •  Burning of the eyes, nose, and     for maintaining a completely
            cancer. Secondhand smoke is harmful    throat                             smoke free home and car.
            to adults, children, and unborn     •  Damage to the heart and blood   •  Know that opening windows,

            babies. The only way to fully protect   vessels                           using fans, and/or using air
            nonsmokers   from    secondhand                                           filters does not adequately

            smoke is to eliminate it in all homes,   •  Increased risk for heart disease  protect others from secondhand
            worksites, and public places. Th ere   •  Increased risk of having a heart   smoke.
                                                   attack or stroke
                                                                                   •  Be aware that aerosol from
                                                •  Increased risk of developing       e-cigarettes and vapes can
                                                   cancer                             contain cancer causing
                                               Secondhand smoke is particularly       chemicals and heavy metals like
                                               dangerous to children and babies       nickel, tin, and lead. E-cigarettes
                   Second Saturdays                                                   should not be used around or by
                                               because their bodies are still growing.
                     of every month                                                   children, teens or anyone that
                                               Secondhand smoke increases their
                  Goldsboro Vol. Fire Co.      risk of:                               does not already smoke regular
                    700 Old Line Road                                                 cigarettes.
                                                •  Dying unexpectedly from
              Food available from 7 AM until.      Sudden Infant Death Syndrome    •  Insist that no one is allowed
                 For more information, call        (SIDS)                             to smoke or vape around your
                      302-270-1948.                                                   children.
                                                                                   •  Participate in activities that do
                                                                                      not permit smoking, like going
                                                                                      to the movies.
                                                                                   •  If you smoke or vape try to
                                                                                      quit! There are many resources

                        MEDICAL EXAMS
                                                                                      in the community to help you.

                                     Complying with New                               Quitting will benefit you and
                                  Government Requirements                             everyone around you!

                                                                                 The Maryland Quit Line is a phone-
                                                 FMCSA Certified Physician        based program that anyone 13 and
                     Prompt                            C.E. Jensen, MD           older can call and be connected with
                     Service         Competitive                                 a quit coach. Nicotine replacement
                                        Price            410-924-8560            medications may be available at no cost

                          Evenings and Saturdays by appointment                  to help with the physical part of the
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