Page 41 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 41
Queen Anne’s the spirit and help calm jangled nerves. the audience with holiday music. Guest
One of the beautiful pieces being off ered
artist Heather Fullerton will play fl ute.
Chorale presents is Felix Mendelssohn’s “How Lovely Are The audience will be invited to join in
the Messengers”, a hauntingly lovely the sing-along portion of the concert,
PEACE AND song whose couriers preach “the gospel which is always a favorite. A light recep-
HARMONY of peace” from his famous oratorio tion will follow the concert.
Saint Paul. “I Heard the Bells on Christ-
mas Day” is based on the 1863 poem The concerts will be performed at Cent-
reville United Methodist Church located
Anxious? Frustrated?? Depressed and “Christmas Bells” by Henry Wadsworth at 608 Church Hill Road, Centreville,
scared by the content of the daily news Longfellow, that tells of Christmas bells on Saturday, December 3 at 7pm, and
cycle? Looking for a way to feel calm being heard during the American Civil again on Sunday, December 4 at 3pm.
and relaxed?? War. The carol concludes with the bells Tickets are available at the door and are
ringing out that there will ultimately be
The holidays are fast approaching and “…peace on earth, good will to men.” $20 for adults, with children through
whatever you celebrate, this time of Artistic Director Bob Huntington noted high school admitted free. For more
year always adds an element of stress that singers have fallen in love with a information, go to
to our daily lives. After the past several fresh setting of the Gaelic Blessing called Queen Anne’s Chorale is supported in
years, we are all striving to find the “new “Deep Peace” by Bill Douglas. Th e text part through grants from the United
normal”, and added stress is not what we is a kind of litany wishing for the recipi- Way of Queen Anne’s County, the Queen
need as we enter into this joyful season. ent the deep peace of “running waves,” Anne’s County Centre for the Arts,
Queen Anne’s Chorale, however, has a “flowing air,” “quiet earth,” “shining and the Maryland State Arts Council,
solution! Their annual holiday concert stars”, “gentle night”, and “healing light.” an agency dedicated to cultivating a
on December 3rd and 4th is entitled vibrant cultural community where the
“Peace and Harmony”, and will feature The Select Ensemble, a group of audi- arts thrive.
serene and quiet music, along with tradi- tioned singers from the Chorale’s ranks,
tional holiday favorites to get you into will offer several pieces that will delight
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