Page 48 - February 2023 Issue.indd
P. 48
Electric Universal Service Program benefit beneficiaries in exceptional
(EUSP) allows local utility companies circumstances. Remember that
to set up a set monthly payment based forgetting to enroll, or not knowing
Spot ago, and you pay the same amount each count as exceptional circumstances.
Senior on your usage approximately two years
you are supposed to enroll, does not
month. Be sure you read your entire
bill, not just the first page, and pay The General Enrollment Period (GEP)
the agreed amount monthly. If not, for those who are enrolling in Medicare
Senior Moments still runs from January 1 thru March
you could blow through the MEAP
by Mary Moran, 31 each year. However, the good news
grant money quickly and be back to
410-479-2535 or 410-490-3078 owing large amounts during high usage is that those who enroll during the
periods. Think August A/C! GEP will be covered beginning the
Mother nature has been playing games
first of the month after the month they
with Caroline County this winter! Those that live in townships may enroll instead of having to wait until
One day it feels like a balmy 50-degree
appreciate the Low-Income Water July 1 for coverage! So, if one enrolls
spring day, and the next it’s 30 degrees
Assistance Program (LIHWAP) to in February, their Medicare medical
with 20+mile per hour winds! The assist those experiencing hardship with coverage goes into effect on March 1st.
Farmer’s Almanac is calling for the
water bills. The program is designed This eliminates the waiting period and
Mid-Atlantic corridor to experience
to assist those who are behind on protects those who are enrolling late
five degrees below average for February their wastewater and drinking water from that old gap in coverage which
so the question is what is your heat
bills that are 30 days or more past forced beneficiaries to accrue more
due. Contact 410-819-4484 for more uncovered months that would add to
information on all these programs. the late enrollment penalty.
Th e Office of Home Energy Programs
(OHEP) offers financial assistance
NOTE* You do not need a third If wrong information was given by
with home heating bills. “Payments party electric supplier to participate. an employer, a representative of the
are made to fuel suppliers and utility
Salespeople may claim to be cheaper employer plan, or someone acting
companies on the customer’s behalf.
initially, and initially they may be, but on behalf of the employer, and this
Energy assistance will not reduce you will be charged a hefty monthly misinformation caused the employee
the amount of any other assistance
distribution charge from the big to delay mandatory enrollments, use
benefits you receive, and it will not
guns who are actually supplying this SEP and call Social Security (888-
reduce Social Security benefits.” your electricity, either Delmarva 347-9277) now to avoid the lifelong
( Maryland Energy
or Choptank. their contracts are penalty! This SEP begins the day the
Assistance (MEAP) offers assistance
expensive to get out of. individual notifies Social Security of the
with electric bills by paying a portion misinformation and ends six months
of the bill, with the customers being We are f i nally s e eing s ome aft er notification. Once documentation
placed on a budget billing plan to commonsense changes, in Medicare has been approved and they enroll you,
spread out annual utility bills. This Enrollment Periods in 2023 that will coverage will begin on the fi rst month
after the enrollment month.
TURNING 65? When contacting Social Security,
remember you will need documentation
Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?
such as the letter or other document
Let Me Help You! showing the misinformation, a letter
from the employer acknowledging that
they gave out misinformation, or a
Anthony Insurance Services written statement from the employer’s
Ann M. Anthony representative (fiscal director or HR
representative, not a buddy at the water
cooler) describing the misinformation.
Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans, There is also a SEP for formerly
Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans, incarcerated individuals who missed
Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance their opportunity to sign up for
Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 • Medicare during their Initial Open
22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629 Enrollment Period due to incarceration.