Page 16 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 16



            Muhammad Arif Ullah to LO Proper-
            ties, LLC, 310 Caroline Street, Ridgely,
            Delmar L. Boss, Jr. and Constance C.
            Boss to Ty R. Butler, 107 Fooks Avenue,
            Preston, $40,000.
                                                     4FQUJD 5BOL $MFBOJOH t %SBJO -JOF 4FSWJDF
            Roberto A. Rodriguez to Osniel A.
                                                      )JHI 1SFTTVSF +FUUJOH  7JEFP 1JQFMJOF *OTQFDUJPO
            Yanes Cardenas, 12051 Lincoln Street,
                                                              4UPSN %SBJOT   $VMWFSUT $MFBOFE
            Ridgely, $40,000.
                                                                 -JET  3JTFST  (PVMET 1VNQT
            Ramon S. Hart, III and Erika A. Hart
            to Jacob Ford and Danielle Ford, 14421         24 Hour Emergency Service!
            Clarks Lane, Ridgely, $430,000.                 .3 3005&3 t XXX NSSPPUFSNEEF DPN
            Daniel Fox to Michael Anderson, 102
            Smith Street, Federalsburg, $6,404.36.
            Dennis A. Lannon, Jr. to Sean M. Carr,
            13274 Greensboro Road, Greensboro,

            The Estate of Raymond H. Reeves,   GRINDING
            Robert L. Stacey and Rosemarie R. Sta-  GRINDING
            cey to Mark Briner, 102 Main Street,
                                                   FREE Estimates
            Preston, $135,000.
            Alex A. Adcock to Eric Campbell, 12938   Tim & Jason Schreiber
            Locust Lane, Greensboro, $340,000.  25490 Piney Branch Lane
                                                   Denton, MD 21629    410-479-5517     443-786-8805
            Triple Tree Lads, LLC to Aroldo Es-
            calante Ortiz, S/S Bee Tree Road, Hen-
            derson, $13,500.
            Jessica F. Marine and Brent A. Marine   Choptank Excavating, LLC
            to Glanden Construction, LLC, Lot 2,

            Craft Road, Preston, $50,000.
            Kathleen Denise Bell to Tyler A.
            Hawkins, 11145 Branch Court, Den-                                       Sitework  •  Utilities
            ton, $340,000.                                                       Demolition  •  Driveways
            Mary Ann Palmer and Michael C. Por-                                 Septics  •  Screened Topsoil
            ter to Kenneth C. Porter and Marcia R.                                        Fill Dirt
            Porter, 14152 Cedar Lane, Greensboro,
            $125,000.                                                                Recycled Concrete
            The Estate of Mark S. Marus to Douglas                                  Millings  •  Hauling

            F. Allen and Rosa J. Cabrera, 110 S. 8th
            Street, Denton, $315,000.                             802 Crystal Ave, Denton, MD
            Norris L. Craft, Jr. and Judith R. Craft    Fax: 410-479-1232       410-479-1223

            to Eric M. Padgett, 225 Morris Avenue,
            Federalsburg, $60,000.
                                               1709 Cattail Commons Way, Denton,   TFM to Don William Henry, Jr., 109
            Trevor V. Higgs and Alison M. Keats to
                                               $380,000.                         & 111 Greenridge Road, Federalsburg,
            Tonise Ceclia Marshall, 111 Maple Av-                                $20,000.
            enue, Goldsboro, $240,000.         Margaret L. Hubbert and Doris A. Zeb-
                                               ley to Mark Allen Jones and Chris Noel   Clinton O. May, Jr. to Rest-Re, LLC,
            Ramish Yuhana-Scott and Gary Scott,   Jones, 307 S. University Avenue, Feder-  27709 Bright Road, Goldsboro, $68,000.
            Sr. to Eric Nielsen and Brittany Nielsen,
                                               alsburg, $125,000.
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