Page 20 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 20

CRCC is Grateful                          Now offering cleaning methods and products to
                           for Generous                           protect your home or business that are approved
                     Community Support                            by the CDC and EPA in the fight against Covid-19.
                                                                      Contact us so that we can create a customizable plan

                                                                          for the disinfection of your home or businessss


            In early 2023, CRCC increased its efforts to fund and complete

            the many requests from Caroline County residents for assis-
            tance with critical repairs to their homes. These repairs can

            allow residents to stay safely in their own homes (or “age in
            place”) for as long as possible, and can help reduce injuries due
            to falls as well as heating and cooling costs. Ultimately, these   Residential & Commercial
            repairs can help reduce cases of homelessness.                   Construction Cleaning
            We are grateful for the wonderful generosity of organiza-           Window Cleaning
            tions such as The Caroline Foundation, The United Way,
                                                                          One time - Weekly  –  Bi-Weeklyy
            The Marydel Lion’s Club, and many private donors, because

                                                                              Monthly or customize a
            CRCC has been able to complete multiple projects over the
                                                                               schedule that’s right
            past several months. CRCC was able to modify the shower   For            for you!
            access and repair a ceiling for a disabled resident in Greens-
            boro, installed windows in a home in Federalsburg, repaired   Over 25 years!
            and replaced windows and doors for a Marydel resident, and
            installed ramps for residents in Choptank and Federalsburg.      DCS
            We have been busy!                                      Details Cleaning Service

            This generosity and the subsequent repairs have allowed CRCC
            to help many of our neighbors in Caroline County, but the
            need for additional resources is at an all time high due to the   Owners: Chris &   Free   Bonded &
            current state of the economy. We continue to receive many   Shelly Macmillan    Estimates    Insured
            applications for assistance and seek the  community’s fi nancial   800-482-8009  •  443-867-7330  • 443-867-7331
            and volunteer support in order to continue to complete critical
            repairs for residents in need. If you are interested in volunteer-
            ing, please contact CRCC at, and
            donations can be mailed to: Critical Repairs Caroline County,
            PO Box 534, Denton, MD 21629.

                                                                 15945 Henderson Rd
                                                                 Goldsboro, MD
                                                                 410.482.9029 FAX            New&

                                                                 Options: Rear Seats Paint,
                                                                 Windshield, Rims & Tires,
                                                                 Lights, Tops, Utility Boxes
                                                                 We can rebuild your cart’s engine,
                                                                 install new batteries and fix major
                                                                 and minor problems.

                                                                  Most  parts and accessories
                                                                    available for EZ-GO.
                                                                                                  A Textron Company
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