Page 22 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 22

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                    by Valerie O’Neal
                     Library Hours                                               session features a tree-shaped board
                                                                                 with blinking lights and classic holiday
            CENTRAL BRANCH, DENTON                Learn to Decorate Cookies      tunes! Soldering classes presented by
            Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,                                          Keith Lohmeyer.
            and Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM           Have you always wanted to learn how to

            Thursday: Noon - 8 PM              decorate cookies? Do you love sweater   Thursday, December 7th at 6 PM, ages

            Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM             weather? Carly Ogren of Sweet C Baking   16+, Federalsburg Branch, registration
                                               Company has teamed up with CCPL
            FEDERALSBURG BRANCH                                                  required.
                                               to teach you how to decorate beautiful
            Monday, Wednesday, and Th ursday:
                                               cookies on Saturday, December 2nd   Thursday, December 21st at 6 PM, ages

            10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM
                                               from 10 AM - 11:30 PM at the Fretterd   16+, North County Branch, Greensboro,
            Tuesday: Noon - 2 PM and 3-8 PM
                                               Community Center in Denton. All   registration required.
            Friday: Closed
                                               participants will learn several decorating   5th Annual Nutcracker Storytime
            NORTH COUNTY, GREENSBORO           techniques to decorate four sweater
            Monday, Tuesday, Th ursday:        weather themed cookies. All supplies   Join Caroline County Public Library and

            10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM          will be provided. This class is for ages   To the Pointe Dance Studio for their 5th
            Wednesday: Noon - 2 PM and 3-8 PM  13 years and up. Younger children will   Annual Nutcracker Storytime. Bring
            Friday: Closed                     not be permitted to participate. Space   the whole family to enjoy the reading
                                               is limited. Program will begin promptly   of The Nutcracker with portions of the

            Visit us upstairs in Denton during   at 10 AM. Th e first 18 to arrive will be   ballet interspersed throughout the story.

            renovations for public computers, print,   seated, so arrive 5-10 minutes early.   Afterward, children will dress up in
            scan, and fax services, and a small                                  costumes, learn some dance moves, and
            browsing collection. Th e fi rst fl oor of the   Saturday, December 2 at 10 AM, ages   enjoy some sweets! Space is limited,
            central library will continue to be closed   13+, Fretterd Community Center at   registration is required. Don’t miss this
            for construction. For more information,   107 S. 4th Street, Denton. First come,   Caroline County holiday tradition.
            visit         fi rst seated.
                                                Learn to Solder: Christmas Trees  Saturday, December 9th at 10:30 AM,
                                                                                 children and families, To the Point
                                               Come to our Federalsburg and North   Dance Studio,  2 N. Maple Avenue B-1,
                                               County Branch in Greensboro branches   Ridgely, registration required.
                                               to learn to solder micro-electronics! Th is

                                                                                 Join us for our last storytime of the year!
                                                                                 It’s a half-hour of fun songs, stories,
                                                                                 and fingerplays that encourage the
                                                                                 development of early literacy skills. Feel

                                                                                 free to stay and play afterward, chat with
                                                                                 other parents and caregivers, and allow
                                                                                 children to explore our Early Literacy
                                                                                 Center. This program is designed for
                                                                                 children from birth to age five with a

                                                                                 caregiver. No registration is required;

                                                                                 however, groups of five or more must
                                                                                 contact the library prior to the program.
                                                                                 If you have any additional questions,
                                                                                 please call 410-479-1343.

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