Page 28 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 28

via their Honey Bees hard working efforts to produce several
                                                                hundred pounds of 2023 golden, local, raw honey from this

                            Lions Clubs of Caroline             year’s spring, summer and fall nectar fl ows. This 2023 honey
                                                                is now available in one pound, labeled jars just in time for
                                                                your  holiday gift-giving and baking season. Cost is $10 per

                                                                jar. Lion Lee Voshell can be reached at
                                                                or 410-482-8510.
                       Marydel Lions Club is Ending
                             ‘A Sweet Year”!                    Our Club’s 2023 fundraisers have been very generously
                                                                supported by the folks that comprise our local and regional
            The month of December will find the members of the Club   communities to the point that our Club was able to increase

            busy with several year-end activities. Sunday, December 3rd   by 60% the amount of grants that we have made and will make
            will find several of our members serving as guest participants   between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. A good portion of

            in the Marydel Volunteer Fire Company’s Annual Christmas   this tremendous outpouring of support is due to the excellent
            parade. Look for our “decked-out” decorated truck and show-  advertisements that have been created and advertised in the
            ers of candy!                                       Caroline Review by the very creative, professional staff of this

                                                                publication. A case in point is the full house attendance of the
            The Club’s Cash for Christmas Raffle will culminate on
                                                                Club’s November 3 Paint Party at the Marydel Fire Company
            Tuesday, December 5 at our monthly combined dinner/
                                                                hosted and organized by Club member Lion Sonia Haley.
            business meeting when three raffle tickets will be drawn.
            Three lucky folks will receive one of the three cash prizes of   Our Club has made major contributions to Critical Repairs

            this raffle fundraiser with the first winning raffl  e ticket name   Caroline County, Giving Grace Food Pantry, Leader Dogs
            drawn receiving $500 cash, the second winning raffl  e ticket   for the Blind, Martins House and Barn, Marydel Volunteer
            receiving $250 cash, and the third winning raffl  e ticket drawn   Fire Company, Mayland School for the Deaf along with
            receiving $100 cash.                                other worthy recipients including our Club’s seven college
                                                                scholarship recipients reported earlier in this column. We
            A Sweet Finale’ to our Club’s 2023 fundraising activities comes   will continue to make additional grants as we become aware
            to us courtesy of  Lion Lee Voshell and his good wife Eleanor
                                                                of those opportunities to be helpful.
                                                                Please be aware that 100% of all of the money raised by our
                                                                fundraisers will be dedicated to the Club’s programs and

                                                                projects that benefit the children, youth, families, adults and
                                                                seniors that are residents of the Maryland and Delaware
                              in Ridgely
                                                                Mason-Dixon Line communities and environs of Marydel.
                                                                In addition to the Club’s grants, we will be providing support
                       AFFORDABLE HAIR CARE                     to the needs of those with visual problems, diabetic chal-
                                                                lenges and childhood cancer. Environmental stewardship and
                   Cuts  –  Color  – Hi-Lites  –  Foils         support to local food pantries will also continue to be part of
                Perms  –  Nails  –  Waxing = Pedicures          our mission.

                           Tues.-Fri. 10-7; Sat. 10-3           We are now actively recruiting and welcoming new members.
               410-634-9200  •  7 N. Central Ave., Ridgely, MD  The Club’s combined dinner/business meetings occur the
                                                                first Tuesday of each month at 6 PM in the dining room of

                                                                the Marydel Volunteer Fire Company and are catered by the
                                                                Chef’s of the Ladies Auxiliary.
                                          Gift Certificates Available

                                        Trish Puckett, Stylist & Barber;                         EVERY
                                             Stylist:  Crystal

                                                                                          Doors open at 6 PM;
               Also, accepting hat and                                                    BINGO starts at 7 PM
                  glove donations!
                                                                                                 Food available
               All of us  join  in  wishing you a very Merry Christmas
                         and a prosperous New Year                Federalsburg              CASH
                     HELP WANTED                                  VFW Post 5246           PRIZES
                                                                  2630 Veterans Dr.
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