Page 58 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 58

to appreciate the beauty and wonders   Dongzhi celebrates the winter solstice
                                               of living in our special Shore county!   and is observed on the longest night of
                                               Americas patchwork of cultures is well   the year. Winter Solstice is celebrated
               Spot                            light reprieve from the cold hard facts   year. The Asian word “Dong” means
            Senior          represented in Caroline, so here is a
                                                                                 on December 21, the longest day of the
                                               of life and a glimpse of what the Holiday
                                                                                 “winter” while “Zhi” means “arrival”
                                               Season is for us all!             giving the literal meaning of the festival
                                                                                 “the coming of winter”. (Wiki.0rg)
                    Senior Moments             Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish festival
                                               celebrated by lighting a candle on the   Winter Solstice coincides with the
                     by Mary Moran
              410-479-2535 or 410-490-3078     menorah (a candelabrum with eight   pagan holiday, Yule, which begins on

                                               lights) each night. This year Hanukkah   the winter solstice and continues for
            You know you live on the Eastern Shore   is celebrated from December 7-15. Th e   11 days. Many ancient Yule traditions
            when Choptank Electric puts out a   word “Hanukkah” means “dedication”   have been incorporated into modern

            request to “Please don’t shoot the lines   in Hebrew. This festival commemorates   Christmas celebrations, including the
            “!                                 the rededication of the Second Temple   familiar yule log. (
                                               of Jerusalem and the first recorded

            I got a chuckle out of this headline but   successful fight for religious freedom.   The feast of St. Nicholas is on December

            then read the reminder that “shooting   It is also spelled Chanukah. (  6. It recognizes the Christian bishop
            at wires, poles, and insulators is                                   who sold off his inheritance to give
            dangerous to you and jeopardizes   Kwanzaa, a holiday honoring African   to those in need, the sick, and the
            everyone’s power.” So, here’s a friendly   American culture, is celebrated from   suffering. In remembrance of St.
            reminder to young and old who are   December 26-January 1, mainly in the   Nicholas’s generosity, St. Nicholas Day

            bored enough to take pot shots at this   United States. There are seven principles   is marked by giving gifts. It is observed
            equipment to “Please don’t shoot the   representing seven values of African   primarily in the Netherlands and
            lines”! Instead, let’s shout out a big   culture that help build and reinforce   Scandinavia, where the tradition of
            “Thank You” to those hardworking   community among African Americans.   leaving one’s boot or sock outside of
            linesmen and lineswomen who brave   Each day a different principle is   the bedroom door for treats or coins
            nasty weather to keep our lights and   discussed, and each day a candle is lit   began. St. Nicholas is known in the
            heat on! Bless you all!            on the kinara (7 light candleholder). On   Netherlands as Sinterklaas, the word
                                               the sixth day of Kwanzaa, people hold   from which Santa Claus derives. (Wiki.
            December is the one month that I   a Karamu feast, a celebration that may   org) Gotta Love good Ole Saint Nick!
            simply cannot bring myself to address   include music, drumming, discussion
            those important dates and numbers   of one of the African principles or a   Christmas is our Christian celebration
            associated with next year’s Medicare   chapter in African history, a candle-  of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
            and Social Security programs. For   lighting ritual and finally, a feast. (Wiki.  Christians around the world celebrate

            yours truly, it is time to step back in   org)                       the birth of our savior with religious
            gratitude for friends and family, and                                services, decorations, lights, Christmas
                                                                                 trees and gift s.
                          TURNING 65?                                            Latin countries and Hispanic

                                                                                 communities in the United States
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                  celebrate Las Posadas from December

                                   Let Me Help You!                              16-24, Christmas Eve. The word posada
                                                                                 translates to “dwelling” or “lodging”.
                                                                                 The traditions associated with this nine-

                                                                                 day novena represent the hardships
                          Anthony Insurance Services                             faced by Mary and Joseph while seeking
                          Ann M. Anthony                                         shelter on their journey from Nazareth
                                                                                 to Bethlehem, as well as their search
                                                                                 for a safe place to stay for Mary to give
                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,                 birth to Jesus.
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,               The tradition features a procession
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance             of carolers led by a small child
               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •  dressed as an angel. The head of the
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                  procession carries a candle inside a

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