Page 59 - December 2023 Issue.indd
P. 59

12/16   Pizza pan Winter Wreath
                                                                                 12/19   Hoilday Bingo
             SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC                                        12/21   Decorating Christmas Cookies

                                                                                 12/22   Christmas Breakfast,
                           Marti Wright  •  Owner                                        Pajamas  Day, Christmas
                      Independent Insurance Broker                                       Cake Scavenger Hunt

                                                                                     Federalsburg Senior Center
                          Over 25 Years Experience with
                                                                                 December is a special time of year at
                        Medicare Supplement Insurance                            our Senior Center. The holiday season

                                                                                 can brighten anyone’s day! Our center
                              Phone: (410) 443-1169                              will be having a Gingerbread house
               Email:                           building contest per table on December
                                                                                 5th. Wouldn’t you like to join in on
                                                                                 the fun of decorating and creating a
            paper shade. Two people dress up as   good tidings of great joy, which shall be   masterpiece? Our center provides
            Mary and Joseph, and certain houses   to all people. For unto you is born this   nutrition and healthy activities to
            are designated to be “inns”. Th e actors   day in the City of David a Savior, which   get our older adults involved and to
            travel to one house each night for nine   is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a   remain independent and active in the
            nights. (Pilgrims may carry images of   sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe   community and in our center.

            the Holy personages instead.) At each   wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in
            house, the residents respond by singing   a manger.’ And suddenly there was with   Please come join us for our daily
            a song and the pair are recognized and   the angel a multitude of the heavenly   activities this month including:
            allowed to enter.                  host, praising God, and saying, ‘Glory   •   Weekly bingo on Th ursdays
                                               to God in the highest, and on earth
            The group of guests come into the   peace, good will toward men.’” Luke   • Monthly birthday
            home and kneel around the Nativity   2: 8-14                             potluck luncheon
            scene to pray. (Typically they pray
                                                                                   •  Healthy coaching and SAIL
            the Rosary, which is a biblically based   May God Bless America and Keep all   exercise with Tyrell James.
            set of repetitive prayers promoting   of Caroline County safely in the palm
                                                                                   •  Melanie will be visiting the
            meditations on the gospel episodes   of his hand in 2024!
            in the life, death, and resurrection of                                  center on December 21st
            Jesus from the Annunciation to the   Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas   to discuss medications and

            Ascension.) Th e final location may be   to all!                         take blood pressures.
            a church instead of a home.             Denton Senior Center           •  December 21st, Christmas
                                                                                     party for our seniors.

            Attendants such as angels and shepherds   The Caroline Senior Center has been
            join along the way, while children may   decking the halls with seasonal holiday   •  Cookie walk on December 14th
            carry food, warm drinks, and piñatas   decorations and is truly in the holiday   at 10 AM, bags will be provided
            and poinsettias. The procession is   spirit! If you’d like to join in the fun,   so you can sample all the
            followed by musicians, with the entire   please call Brandy or Gerri at 410-479-  cookies that we have to share.
            procession singing. At the end of each   2535 and reserve a spot so we have   • Our crafts for this month will

            night, Christmas carols are sung,   enough materials for all! Here is a list of   include making ornaments, a
            children break open star-shaped pinatas   things we have going on in December;  saltshaker snowman, Christmas
            and everyone sits for a feast. (https://  12/5   Christmas Tree Craft    globe, and a fire work painting.

                                               12/6   Christmas Ornament           •  New Years party and
            “And there were in the same country   12/7  Snowman Craft                potluck luncheon will be
            shepherds abiding in the fi eld, keeping                                 held on December 28th to
                                               12/8   Christmas Door Decoration      bring in the new year.
            watch over their flock by night. And
            lo, the angel of the Lord came upon   12/11  Gingerbread House       For a complete look at our calendar,
            them, and the glory of the Lord shone   12/12  Cookie Walk           please call the center at 410-754-9754.
            round about them: and they were sore
            afraid. And the angel said unto them,   12/14  Holiday  Cards
            ‘Fear not:” “for behold, I bring unto you   12/15    Ugly Sweater Day
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