Page 34 - July 2021 Issue.indd
P. 34
Caroline County passion they display and share with the young people we serve.
I cannot find the words to describe how grateful I am for each
Family YMCA
and every one of them; the world needs more people like them!
46 Denton Plaza, Denton
2020-2021 was undoubtedly a year of changes, improvements,
and achievements for our program and we look to 2021-2022 to
A Letter from the Program Coordinator be a year of growth. We look at next year to be the year we take
our program to another level. We hope to show our community
The 2020-2021 school year was one of resilience. During the that commitment to working with the youth of this county can
year 2020-2021, the YMCA Caroline Mentoring Project faced truly impact their lives in a positive way, forever.
challenges that undoubtedly helped us grow. Recruitment,
services, quality, and training were just a few of those challenges
and we feel that today we can say we met and/or exceeded them,
giving us a stronger program in the end. Ridgely Vol. Fire Dept.
In January 2021, we were the only mentoring program on the Events 101 Sunset Blvd. in Ridgely, MD
Eastern Shore to be a part of the Maryland delegation to attend at 410.634.2424
Capitol Hill Day. There we had the opportunity to dialogue
with various state representatives such as Senator Van Hollen,
Senator Cardin, and the Honorable Andy Harris with whom the
YMCA Caroline Mentoring Project had the opportunity to lead
that meeting! There we were able to emphasize the importance Spaghetti
of supporting various laws relevant to mentoring services in
the state of Maryland and at the national level. Dinner
We were also blessed to be able to create numerous partnerships FIRST THURSDAYS: 4-7 PM
and collaborations with approximately 20 different
July 1 (first Thursday of the month)
organizations and local businesses. A few of those being the
Caroline Human Services Council, Mid-shore Behavioral NO SPAGHETTI DINNER IN AUGUST
Health, For All Season, Wraparound MD, Town of Preston, $9 - all you can eat salad, bread, drink, and dessert.
Department of Juvenile Services, and the Department of Social
Thirty One Raffle
Services, among others.
This upcoming school year will be one full of new initiatives 31 Days of 31 Raffle
that will help us provide more and better services to our youth (month of July)
such as: Mayors for Mentoring, Junior Mentor, Be the Change
Community Project, and Middle School Mentoring Group, to $10 per ticket
name a few. Call Tammy for tickets at
As the program coordinator, I would like to say thank you to the
heart of this program; our mentors. People who offer their time Chicken BBQ
and talents to change lives forever. The success of this program Sun., July 18 & Aug. 15
will always be because of the great work, effort, dedication, and
11 AM
$9 includes ½ chicken, baked
beans, applesauce, roll and drink.
Golf Tournament
Sept 25
Call Anthony at 410-924-9844
for more info.
Looking ahead...
Oct. 10 - Chicken n Dumpling Dinner
Oct. 15 - Soup n Sandwich Sale
Oct. 22 - Quarter Auction - Call Tammy if you
would like to be a vendor @ 443-786-9266.
Nov 14 - Purse Bingo