Page 35 - July 2021 Issue.indd
P. 35

I do not want to close this school year   excited to announce that our program   a week, Mondays and Fridays, from 10
            without thanking everyone who, in one   will start back with “in-person” ELR this   AM to noon.
            way or another, has worked with, for, or   upcoming 2021-2022 school year! Our
                                                                                 As always if you have any questions
            just believed in/supported this program   2020-2021 virtual program included
                                                                                 please contact our Coordinator, Nicolette
            for the last 23 years; we hope we are   making and disturbing monthly themed
                                                                                 Peterson by email at npeterson@
            making you proud of the work we are   packets to all those enrolled. We also
                                                                       , you can also visit
            doing with and for our community’s   started our bi-weekly ‘Fun Fridays with
                                                                                 our website at https://ymcachesapeake.
            youth.                             Mrs. Nicolette’ videos, which are posted
                                                                                 org/early-learning-program-elr to get
                                               on Facebook and YouTube under the
            In closing, we’d like to wish everyone a                             more information about our Y and
                                               Caroline County Family YMCA. Th ough
            safe and fun summer and we are excited                               programming off ered.
                                               ELR stops for the summer we are going
            that we will see each other again in
                                               to continue with our bi-weekly videos
            August 2021 when we open the doors of
                                               in hopes we can still continue making
            the YMCA Caroline Mentoring Project
                                               connections with participants through
            again and can get back to work changing
                                               the summer months.
            lives forever.
                                               ELR enrollment for the 2021-2022
            In the Y Spirit,
                                               school year will open up August 13,
            Angel Perez, Program Coordinator   2021 at our open house. Our open house
                                               begins at 10 AM and runs until noon;
            Caroline County Family YMCA
                                               you can stop in any time between those
                                               hours-- visit and see exactly what our
                  YMCA Early Learning          program is all about. Enrollment will
                   Readiness Program           remain open throughout the school year.
                                               We welcome children birth through age
            The Early Learning Readiness (ELR)   5 years, accompanied by an adult, to our
            Program has wrapped up its ‘virtual’   free program. ELR meets at the Caroline

            school, and after a unique year we are so   County Family YMCA in Denton twice
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