Page 40 - July 2021 Issue.indd
P. 40



            William R. Marine, Jr. and Catherine
            Allyson Marine to Jerry Ross and
            Roberta S. Aikenhead-Ross, 3431
            Linchester Road, Preston, $210,000.
            Robert M. Ritter and Michelle L. Ritter
            to Paul D. Swick, Lot 4, Greensboro
            Road, Denton, $67,000.                   4FQUJD 5BOL $MFBOJOH t %SBJO -JOF 4FSWJDF
                                                      )JHI 1SFTTVSF +FUUJOH  7JEFP 1JQFMJOF *OTQFDUJPO
            Robert M. Ritter and Michelle L. Ritter
                                                              4UPSN %SBJOT   $VMWFSUT $MFBOFE
            to Paul D. Swick, Lot 3, Greensboro                  -JET  3JTFST  (PVMET 1VNQT
            Road, Denton, $85,000.

            Jeffrey M. Grant to Dale Pinder and             24 Hour Emergency Service!
            Cheryl L. Pinder, 25790 Ischer Road,            .3 3005&3 t XXX NSSPPUFSNEEF DPN
            Federalsburg, $168,000.
            Tyler Semans and Kayla Rex to Rusty
            Aaron Thawley and Amber Meredith           T&J

            Thawley, 26347 Line Road, Denton,
            Brian K. Sullivan and Marianne H.
            Sullivan to Schuyler E. Pulleyn and   GRINDING
            Heather J. Kitto, 12070 Kibler Road,
                                                   FREE Estimates
            Greensboro, $550,000.
            The James A. Harding Revocable       Tim & Jason Schreiber

            Trust and The Mary Wyatt Harding    25490 Piney Branch Lane
            Revocable Trust to Legacy Holdings     Denton, MD 21629    410-479-5517     443-786-7471
            Group, LLC, 402 Railroad Avenue,
            Federalsburg, $400,000.
            Daniel V. Bland to David J. LaBelle
            and Nancy B. LaBelle, 6239 Harmony    Choptank Excavating, LLC
            Road, Preston, $22,000.
             Edgewater, LLC to JV Land Holdings,
            LLC, 1309 Trice Meadows Circle,                                         Sitework  •  Utilities
            Denton, $40,000.
                                                                                 Demolition  •  Driveways

            The Estate of Jean E. Singer and
            Robert D. Singer to LO Properties,                                  Septics  •  Screened Topsoil
            LLC, 311 N. Sixth Street, Denton,                                             Fill Dirt
            $48,000.                                                                 Recycled Concrete
            The Estate of Ute B. Hudson to Eugene                                   Millings  •  Hauling

            Marshall, 11210 Academy Street,
            Hillsboro, $174,500.
                                                                  802 Crystal Ave, Denton, MD
            Kimberly Warner to Deborah
            Maynard, 218 Deep Shore Road,             Fax: 410-479-1232       410-479-1223
            Denton, $315,000.

            Donald N. Trice, Inc. to Richard P.   The Gardens Land Group, Inc. to   Mary F. Jeeter and Robert Jeeter to
            Cosgrove, Porters Landing Road,    Romont Fletcher and Shakira Hicks,   Daniel Joseph Gorman, Jr., 14924
            Greensboro, $120,000.              101 Primrose Avenue, Denton,      Cherry Lane, Ridgely, $325,308.
                                               $279,954.07.                      The Estate of Lacy Edward Lynch to

            Par, LLC to Charles Peake, 107 Roe
            Avenue, Greensboro, $231,132.                                        Ariel O. Dominguez, 25650 Castle Hall
                                                                                 Road, Henderson, $52,000.
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