Page 44 - July 2021 Issue.indd
P. 44

billed Medicare (Note: the     the part of your provider. Generally
            Senior                                “Amount Charged” fi eld         they will resubmit the bill when they
                                                  does not show your costs)
                                                                                 are notified of the denial.  If the final

               Spot                             • The amount Medicare paid to    bill lands in your lap, you do have the

                                                                                 right to appeal denied charges. If you
                                                  your providers for each service.
                                                                                 see $0.00 it means there were no denied
                                               MSN’s contain information on charges
                                               billed to Medicare, the amount Medicare   or excluded services. Read your MSN to
                                                                                 avoid surprises!
                    Senior Moments             actually paid, and the amount you, the
                     by Mary Moran             beneficiary, is responsible for. Note   On another note, if one goes to the
                       410-829-2535/ 410-490-3078  that if you paid a bill before it was   emergency room, let’s say with chest
                                                                                 pain, and is there for more than 24 hours,
                                               processed through Medicare, and are
            We are pleased to welcome Pam Keating                                you should receive a federally mandated
                                               later reimbursed for the amount you
            to the Denton Senior Center as our new                               MOON notice (Medicare Outpatient
                                               paid, you may receive additional MSNs
            Activity Programing Manager! Pam                                     Observation Notice) to inform the
                                               refl ecting that.
            is a lifelong Caroline County resident                               patient that they are outpatients. The
            with a history of volunteering and being   The amount you may need to pay   patient must receive this standardized
            an active member of our community.     directly to providers is stated in the “You   letter no later than 36 hour after
            We look forward to benefiting from   May Be Billed” field. Medicare forwards   Observation has begun. Hospitals must

            her creativity and planning abilities as   your share of the bill to your secondary   use the approved CMS-10611 form to
            she develops an active, fun, and diverse   insurance, whether it is your Medicare   include the patient name, patient id #, and
            program for the current and future   Supplemental Insurance plan or other   the reason the patient is an outpatient.
            members of our Senior Center!      secondary insurance, such as through an   A state addendum with “Additional
                                               employer or retirement plan. For those   Information” may be attached to
            Free Blood Pressure Checks will
                                               without supplemental insurance, the   it.  Hospitals must provide both oral
            resume at the Denton Senior Center
                                               MSN is a heads up about the amount   and written MOON notification. The
            at 10 am, July 15, and will continue
                                               you must pay your provider. Wait for   beneficiary, or representative, signs and

            moving forward on the 3rd Thursday
                                               the provider’s bill and compare it to the   dates the MOON to demonstrate that
            of the month.
                                               MSN to be sure those amounts are the   notice was received and that the contents
            July is Social Wellness Month. Make   same!                          are understood. (It is best to have the
            that social connection with other seniors                            patient sign the forms if they are able.

            and come out and try our new Yoga and   The MSN also shows any non-covered   Agreements to pay could be in the pile
            SAIL Group Fitness classes. Classes start   charges. This field shows charges that   of paperwork shoved at the patient and
            in July so call now to register! Please   are denied or excluded (never covered)   family, and a wife or family member
            contact the Denton Senior Center for   by Medicare. Chiropractor services   could end up with legal liability for the

            more information on classes’ dates and   may show up in this field. A charge in   stay if some of the charges are denied.)
            times. 410-479-2535.               this area means you are responsible   Since frequently it is served up with the
                                               for paying it. Charges that are denied
                                                                                 barrage of other paperwork, be sure to
            Your Medicare Summary Notice       could be the result of coding errors on
                                                                                 ask if the MOON notice is included,
            (MSN) is a statement of health care
            services and DME (Durable Medical
            Equipment) you have received. If you             TURNING 65?
            receive paper notices the MSN will
            reflect your Medicare activities over the   Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?

            last three months. If you are enrolled in                 Let Me Help You!
            “” you will receive your
            reports monthly. The MSN is not a bill.

            Rather, it is a record of what Medicare has      Anthony Insurance Services
            been billed for in your name.  Note that
            sometimes the contractor that processes          Ann M. Anthony
            your medical claim information through
            snail mail will have the name of a private
            company on it so be sure not to toss it!   Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,

            The MSN should show:                     Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,
                                                  Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance
              • The health care services

                                                  Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •
               you received
                                                             22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629
              • The amount providers

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