Page 46 - October 2022 Issue.indd
P. 46

(FACES) Fiber Arts                October 8                         and will learn how to embellish with
                                               9 am - 3 pm                       machine stitching. (Students may wish
                 Center of the                 Price: $30 Members $40 Non Members  to do some hand applique and hand

                 Eastern Shore                 The T-shirt Quilt is a very popular quilt   stitching if that is their preference.)

                                               with young people and people that   Machine needles (extras will be available
                7 N. 4th St., Denton, MD
                                               collect t-shirts.                 for $1) $5 kit fee plus fabric and supplies
                     410-479-4296                                                needed.
               info@fi        This is what I suggest: use solids for
                                               (optional frames); black/dark for
                  Quilt Show: Wendy L.         shadow; your background, can be     Jingle Bell Christmas Ornament
                 Ferranti - Wendy Quilts!      anything you choose.              Welcome to the world of no-sew orna-
                                                                                 ments! Christmas is just around the
            Show dates through October 29.     I will show you how to debone your   corner and these holiday bells will make
            Wednesdays - Saturdays, Noon - 4 pm  t-shirts, iron on fusible interfacing and   wonderful gift s. Come relax and have
            Cost: Free                         cut your t-shirt for your block.
                                                                                 fun as you create a ringing sensation of
            Wendy Ferranti has been quilting since   You’re only making one easy block;   an ornament!
            before the Centennial, early 70’s. She   putting (optional) frame around it;   Teacher: Debbie Hibbert
            is a member of Ocean Waves Quilt   adding shadow frame; putting rows   November 4, 10 am - 2 pm
            Guild, Inc. Wendy was also a member   together with sashing. It’s simple but   $15(Members) $20(Non Members)
            of the Brownstone Quilt Guild when she   time consuming. You can actually make   Kit Cost: $15 includes styrofoam bell,
            lived in NJ. With the shows that she has   a pillow from your t-shirt block, a bed   precut fabric squares, pins, precut
            entered over the years with her quilts,   runner with 4-5 t-shirts or a quilt with   ribbons, and thimble pad. Bring a small
            she has won numerous ribbons.      9-12 t-shirts. I will teach you the process   ruler, 1” x  6” or  2 ½” x 12”, or something
                                               and you take it from there. Normally
            Wendy’s work has consisted over the   students get two blocks done in class.  comparable.
            years of piecing, needle turn appli-                                 Please call Kay Butler to sign up at
            que, and color design. Wendy changes   Call FACES for supply list.   410-829-5136.
            patterns all the time to merge old and
            latest ideas into her projects. Her life is   Angel Wall Hanging Class
            threaded into each quilt.
                                               October 29 and November 12                        Red Mar
              The Fiber Arts Center Off ers a   10 am – 3 pm                              & Bouregard
                Beginning Knitting Series      $35 Members $45 Non Members
            October 5, 19, November 2, 16, 30,   Please call Kay Butler to sign up at   Sweet Potatoes
            December 14, January  4, 18  •  10   410-829-5136 as well as the list for
            am – 2 pm                          supplies needed.                           FOR SALE
            Cost: $80 Members/$95 Non          Get ready to decorate for the holidays   $20 for half bushel
            Members (8 classes)                as you stitch this heavenly angel wall
                                               hanging!                                     Denton, MD
            Start your knitting journey with teacher,                                410-479-2715 or 410-829-2168
            Alice Engle, who will be teaching basic   Students will be designing a paper
            knitting stitches and will guide you to   pieced angel gown using interfacing
            create a woolen scarf and other lovely
            knitting treasures.
            Class Supply List: #8 knitting needles
            (bamboo preferred-no plastic needles,
            please!), worsted weight yarn, small

            Call: 410-490-2087 for additional
            questions and to sign up.

                   THE T-SHIRT QUILT
               (for the Confi dent Beginner)

            Instructor: Lou Diefenderfer

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