Page 6 - October 2022 Issue.indd
P. 6

Creating a Pathway                 In 2019, the organization rebranded   part of each program. A common goal
                                               itself to Positive Strides to reinforce the   is to help riders begin to ride indepen-
              to Healing for 40                confidence, self-esteem and optimism   dently for an appropriate amount of time

                       Years                   that its riders achieve through its thera-  based on their abilities. It helps improve
                                               peutic horse programs. “Our riders are   their balance, self-esteem and sense of
                                               wonderful and inspire us each and every   self-worth.
            Positive Strides Therapeutic Riding   day.” says co-founder Sandy King. “Th ey   "I have been taking my grandson to
            Center was founded 40 years ago by   are so proud of themselves, as they   Positive Strides since January 2018,”
            Sandy King and Jessie Browne in order   should be, and their smiles say it all.”
                                                                                 says the grandfather of a rider. “He has
            to combine their passions for horses
                                               According to King, riding can help   had problems most of his life. He has
            and helping people. It was known as
                                               strengthen muscles in the rider’s body   been in quite a few programs that the
            Talbot Special Riders for many years
                                               associated with speech. Several children   State has tried, and most have failed
            and served a small group of riders with
                                               who were told they would never speak   leaving him feeling he can’t do anything
            special needs in the Talbot County area.

                                               have spoken their very first words while   right and that he is a failure in life. Each
            As the need for equine-assisted activities
                                               riding.                           week at Positive Strides, he seems to
            and therapies grew, the organization
                                                                                 be improving in his riding habits and
            grew to serve adults and children in   “During our 2021 Fall Session, the thera-  his overall attitude toward life. I have
            Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot and Queen   pist of one of our new riders reported   asked him about his riding and how it
            Anne’s counties.                   that he constantly talks about the time   makes him feel. He told me that when
                                               he spends riding,” says Kim Hopkins
            From autism and addiction recovery to   Thomas, executive director. “Accord-  he is riding, it makes him feel free and
            PTSD and cerebral palsy, equine ther-  ing to her, he is normally very shy and   in control of his emotions. His teachers
            apy can play a powerful role in giving   reserved in interactions with others. But   and all of the volunteers treat him as

            a person the confidence and skills they   as soon as he arrives on the farm, he has   though he is important and he feels that
            need to live a fulfilling life. Positive   a huge smile on his face! He loves telling   most vividly."
            Strides’ CATCH Riders program helps   his horse to ‘walk on’ and ‘whoa.’ He is   Positive Strides couldn’t operate with-
            youth at risk and adults recovering from   making great strides at being able to ride   out the help of its volunteers. “Our
            family violence and sexual abuse. Just   more independently.”        volunteers are the backbone of Positive
            brushing and interacting with a horse                                Strides,” says King. “Th ey are dedicated,
            can calm a person with dementia or help   Setting goals with individual riders and   enthusiastic and believe in our mission.”
            someone with depression.           working towards achieving them are
                                                                                 It can take up to three volunteers per
                                                                                 rider, one to lead the horse and two to
                                                                                 walk on each side of the rider. Sessions
               %RRN                     Local Author                             are conducted for 32 weeks over the
                                                                                 winter, spring, summer and fall seasons.
              6LJQLQJ           Howard “Buddy” Dunn                              Like many other organizations, Covid

                                                                                 impacted operations and took a toll
                                  of    ONLY GOD                                 on the nonprofit’s finances. “We had
                                                                                 to suspend all services and fundraising
                                                                                 for over a year, yet continued to provide
                              Saturday, October 15  •  10-1                      top notch care to our seven therapeu-
                                                                                 tic horses and ponies,” says Hopkins
                             What’s New Shop                                     Thomas. After training volunteers on
                                                                                 Covid protocols and putting in place
                                                                                 additional safety and health practices,
                      Your Local Christian Book & Gift Store                     Positive Strides resumed therapeutic
                                                                                 riding sessions in 2021 and is on track
                   Bibles  •  Music  •  DVD’s   •  Books   •  Jewelry            to achieve near full capacity in 2022. In
                                                                                 fact, there are plans to expand its stables
                        Greeting Cards  •  Wall Art  •  T-Shirts                 and add two more horses to its programs
                                                                                 in order to support future growth.
              224 Market St., Denton
                                                                                 One new area that has taken off has been

                  410-479-0006                    We have great gifts!
                                                                                 the Time to Ride program for at-risk
                                         For your convenience we offer Bill Pay,   youth. Created by the American Horse
                                      Notary Service, and Copy and Fax services  Council, Time to Ride is an aft er-school
                                                                                 program that gets students out of the
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