Page 8 - October 2022 Issue.indd
P. 8

Federalsburg                  On August 30, Maryland State Delegate   If you would like further information
                                               Johnny Mautz, District 37B, attended our   about the Federalsburg Activities Center
              Activities Center                weekly meeting, along with Federalsburg   or learn how to make a donation, please

                      Update                   Mayor Kim Abner. Del. Mautz was able   contact David Ricks at 443-786-5182 or
                                               to tour the building and is assisting us   Felita Friend at 443-439-6490.
            This past May, the Federalsburg    in seeking other funding resources, such
            Activities Center Committee reported   as energy-efficient window and door
            we had purchased the old Dollar General   replacements.
            building at 118 Morris Avenue in   Here comes the hard part - having
            Federalsburg. Our intent is to renovate   enough funds to continue the work.
            this building to serve as a community   While we do have two State of Maryland
            center for all local residents, for youth   Capital Grants, we need to fi nd other
            and seniors, and everyone in between.   means to pay for operating expenses
            Since then, we have made great progress   once the Center is open. We have sent
            on improvements to the building.
                                               out an appeal letter to local businesses.   Happy Halloween
            Recently, Maurice Baltimore renovated   We plan to hold a bake sale sometime   The Market @ Linchester Mill
            the exterior front of the building and   in September.
            Briggs Brothers Plumbing finished   On Saturday, October 29, from 8 am         Preston, MD
            laying new pipes in the fl oor. Currently,   to 1 pm, we are planning a yard sale   Friday, Oct. 28
            Lywood Electric is replacing the wiring   in the town parking lot across from
            in the interior and installing new   our building on Morris Avenue. Set-up       5-8 PM

            electrical fixtures. Ductwork will soon   will begin at 7 am. All proceeds from   Come out and support your
            be done to connect the HVAC system.                                     local crafters! Stop by on your
                                               our tables will benefit the Federalsburg

            Future projects include ceiling and fl oor   Activities Center.         way home, take a look around,
                                                                                    and grab dinner to take home.
            replacement. Wood framing is already
                                               We encourage other organizations,        Food will be available.
            up and ready for wallboard installation
                                               churches or individuals to set-up tables
            once the wiring is completed. Finally,                                 ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED
                                               as well as long as they bring their own

            the bathroom fixtures and divider walls                                     TO LINCHESTER MILL
                                               tables and chairs and let us know ahead
            and then kitchen cabinets, countertop
                                               of time so we can map out 10’ X 10’ areas.
            and appliances will need to be installed.
                                               Contact Wendy Garner at 410-739-8216
                                               or to arrange
                                               for space.

            Pictured from left to right: Larry DiRe, Federalsburg Town Manager and Federalsburg Activities Center Board Members: Pastor Pam

            Bockart, president; Pastor Stanford Ricks; Ronnie James, treasurer; Darlene Hammond; Wendy Garner; Felita Friend, secretary; and David
            Ricks, vice-president.
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