Page 65 - October 2022 Issue.indd
P. 65
Maryland State run program. SPDAP pays the premium for
one’s Prescription drug plan up to $50 per month. This is a
big money saver over a 12-month period! SPDAP also allows SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC
the beneficiary a prescription drug plan change one time per Marti Wright • Owner
year outside of open enrollment. Should one face a medical
emergency that includes medication changes, the ability to Independent Insurance Broker
change drug plans outside of the October 15-December 7 Over 25 Years Experience with
Open Enrollment window is invaluable! Remember, this plan
does not help with medication costs, however, it is a money Medicare Supplement Insurance
saver over 12 months. Note that SPDAP does not pay any Phone: (410) 443-1169
penalties due. Penalties are paid by the beneficiary of the plan.
Call Mary Moran for information, applications, and assistance
with these important cost saving opportunities.
Reminder to those who were involuntarily disenrolled from
their plans over the course of the year for nonpayment of
premium... Open enrollment is the only time you can re-enroll
in a Medicare Prescription drug plan. When you are enrolled
in a new plan, you will have to pay a late enrollment penalty
dating back to 63 days from when you lost your coverage. Th is
Skilled Nursing Facility 520 Kerr Avenue
includes the months before the new plan begins. Th e penalty
We offer: Rehabilitation/Therapy, Respite,
kicks in after 63 continuous days without proof of creditable Denton, MD 21629
Dementia Care, Wound Care, IV Therapy,
coverage. The part “D” penalty will be part of your premium Palliative Care, and so much more! Phone: 410-479-2130
for as long as you have Medicare Drug coverage. Fax: 410-479-3057
Call us today!
Example: A Beneficiary lost coverage due to nonpayment as of
March 1, 2022. 63 continuous days later takes the benefi ciary
• Not receiving bills or warning notices. Plans can
into May, which starts the penalty period. Since the new plan
demonstrate notifications were sent to address on fi le.
starts Jan 1, 2023, that is approximately eight months without
• Lack of understanding the ramifi cations
creditable coverage. Eight months x .33 per month base fee
for not paying the premium.
(the penalty rate for 2022) means the penalty of $2.64 will be
added to the premium of your new plan for that uninsured • Termination of coverage based on CMS rules
period in prescription drug coverage. Remember that the
new drug plan’s job is to collect the penalty with your current Cooler weather means gearing up for winter here in Caroline
monthly premium and then send the $2.64 back to Social County. Cleaning out the wood stove, getting the furnace
Security. You are not paying more for your premium, just serviced, pulling out those window A/C units and checking
paying both premium and penalty in one lump sum. Th e part on window and door seals, and getting those oil and propane
“D” penalty will be part of your premium for as long as you tanks filled up are all part of winter prep.
have Medicare Drug coverage regardless of what plan you For many, the switch from record A/C bills to paying for
are with. The amount of the penalty will change according to heating one’s home is a cause for real concern. Most folks
what the base fee cost is per month and goes to Social Security.
Those who receive Extra Help do not pay penalties. who already participate in the Maryland Energy Assistance
Program (MEAP) have already reapplied for help during
Acceptable causes for being reinstated into the plan who the coming year. The program year starts July 1st. Maryland
dropped you would include: Energy Assistance is a year-round program, but one can only
apply one time per year for all programs.
• Non-payment occurred while the benefi ciary
was experiencing provable serious illness, The Electric Universal Services Program (EUSP) provides
hospitalizations, or institutionalization assistance with a portion of the approved household’s electric
• Prolonged unexpected illness that bills. Those who are approved are placed on a budget billing
is not chronic in nature plan with the utility company. This is also called balance
billing. The Grant is issued by the state to the utility company
• Recent death of spouse or loved one
and is meant to pay the difference between the monthly, Real
Unacceptable causes for reinstatement include: time electric usage bill, and the amount due per the agreed
upon budget payment for the month. It is not meant to pay
• Unreported change of address. One must notify Social
the entire bill. One must learn to read their bill thoroughly
Security of address changes. Call 888-347-9277