Page 66 - October 2022 Issue.indd
P. 66

WHEN IT COMES TO MEDICARE                    As your independent health care resource,
             Let me help      YOU HAVE CHOICES.                            we can offer you Medicare plans from
                                                                           dozens of private insurance companies.
                YOU                             find the best plan to fit   So you’re guaranteed to get the

                                               your health care needs.     plan that may be best for you.

               Are you or a loved one enrolling in Medicare this year??
               Are you or a loved one enrolling in Medicare this year
                                                                                    Part A   HOSPITAL
               Are you thinking about retiring? No matter your situation, we can
               Are you thinking about retiring ? No matter your situation, we can            STAYS
               help you get answers to your Medicare questions. like:
                                                                                    Part B   DOCTOR
                •  What is Original Medicare and are there other health care options
                •  What are the differences between Medicare and other health coverage?  Part C  MEDICARE
                •  Is Original Medicare enough health coverage for me?
                •  What do Medicare Parts A, B, C and D mean?                       Part D   PRESCRIPTION
                                             nd D mean?
                •  Are my prescriptions  covered?
                •  How much will it cost?                                           supp     MEDICARE
                •  Do I have deadlines to enroll?

                  Gary Blanche                                                                  Contact us and
                 Melinda Blanche
                                                                                                 get answers to
                                                   Serving the Senior Markets
                                       Medicare Supplements • Advantage Plans • Vision
              MD 443-262-8348                Dental • Prescriptions • Final Expense            your Medicare
              Toll-Free 877-245-9024                                                           questions today.

                                                                depending on the household’s consumption history. You may
             Calvary Baptist Church                             call Choptank at 877-892-0001 for more information.

                   1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404       Delmarva also takes an average of the previous 12 months
                  from the time of the grant being issued to determine the

                            Don Reynolds, Pastor                amount to be paid by the consumer. They reevaluate usage
                                                                anywhere from 7-11 months after the grant is issued, so
                         10 AM  Sunday Bible School – All ages  Delmarva customers need to contact Delmarva at 800-375-
                         11 AM  Exciting Praise / Worship       7117 for household specific information. All too oft en the

                               Also, great Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)  computer generates a bill showing zero due because the
                          7 PM  Sunday Evening Worship &        grant money shows as a credit, but make sure you pay that
                               Children’s Class                 budgeted bill that you are responsible for, so you don’t get a
                          7 PM  Wednesday Bible Studies         nasty surprise when the grant money has been used up and
                       Let us Always Be Found Faithful          you start to owe big bucks! Remember…Nothing is free!

                                                                The MEAP program assists with heating costs, such as Oil
            to understand what they are responsible for paying every
            month and how much of the grant money is being applied   and Gas, and the fuel grant tends to be more generous than
            every month.                                        the electric grant. It is federally funded and, like the EUSP, is
                                                                based on annual household size and income. It can also assist
            Choptank Electric Co-op, for instance, determines the amount   with nonfunctioning heating and water heating systems, but
            to be paid by the consumer by taking an average of the past   remember, eligibility is also based on a home assessment and

            12 months’ electrical consumption, and in March they review   funding availability. There are two sets of eligibility limits, one
            the billing to make sure the grant is suffi  ciently covering the   for those households with one or more persons over the age
            usage. At that time, the amount is either raised or lowered   of 67, and one for those with no members over the age of 67.
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