Page 34 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 34

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               Screening for lung cancer has the   connection to cessation services to help
                                               potential to save lives by catching it   individuals quit smoking.
                                               early when the chance of a cure is more

                                                                                 The Maryland Quitline is a great
                                               likely. If you are between the ages of 50
                                                                                 resource that pairs individuals up
                                               and 77 with a present or past history of
                Smoking & Lung Cancer          smoking it is recommended to talk with   with a trained quit coach to build a
                                                                                 personalized quit plan. Oft en  time
                                               your doctor to find out if screening tests

            Submitted by Heather Grove, RN, BSN   are appropriate for you.       coaches are previous tobacco users and
                                                                                 are really relatable and encouraging to
            Lung cancer is the leading cause of   Lung cancer screening is done by use   persons trying to quit. Th e  program
            cancer related deaths for both men and   of low-dose CT scans. The scan is   can also provide nicotine replacement

            women in the U.S. November is lung   quick and painless. You will be asked to   medications, like patches, in the mail
            cancer awareness month. Th e American   remove anything metal you’re wearing   at no cost. At the health department
            Lung Association website has lots of   and lie down on a table for the scan.   we can refer interested individuals to
            information and resources about lung   During the scan you will be asked to stay   the Quitline directly. Call or text 410-
            cancer including an interactive quiz   as still as possible. You may be asked to   829-0848 to learn more. Alternatively,
            to see if you should consider getting   hold your breath. The scan itself takes   individuals are also able to call the

            screened for lung cancer.          less than one minute to complete. Aft er   Quitline  at  1-800-QUIT-NOW.
                                               the scan you can go about your day as   Support is available 24/7.
            Lung cancer occurs when the cells in
                                               you normally would and your doctor
            the lungs change or mutate. Th is oft en
                                               will contact you with the results.       Birthing Center at Easton Installs
            happens from breathing in dangerous
            chemicals. Cigarette smoking poses the   According to the American Lung   New “Welcome Baby” Birth
            greatest risk to developing lung cancer.   Association,  smoking  contributes  Announcement Board
            Exposure to radon and air pollution are   to over 80% of lung cancer deaths.

            other known risk factors.          Men who smoke are 23 times more   The Birthing Center at University of
                                                                                 Maryland Shore Medical Center at
                                               likely to develop lung cancer. Women
            When lung cancer develops, the                                       Easton has installed a “Welcome Baby”
                                               who smoke are 13 times more likely
            mutated cells cluster together forming                               birth announcement board that parents
                                               to develop lung cancer. Data from
            tumors  and   destroying  healthy                                    can use to document the arrival of their
                                               the Maryland Department of Health
            lung tissue. Oftentimes there are no                                 newborn with a photo.

                                               (MDH) 2021 Cancer Data Cigarette
            symptoms, especially in the early
                                               Restitution Fund Program Report   Supported by funding from the

            stages. Left undiagnosed and untreated
                                               showed the incidence and death rate   University of Maryland Memorial
            the cancer can spread to other parts of
                                               from lung cancer for Caroline County   Hospital  Foundation,  the  board
            the body. By the time symptoms appear,
                                               residents is more than 25% higher than

            the cancer is often advanced and very

                                               the U.S. rates. This data justifi es  the
            hard to treat.
                                               importance of cessation education and
                                     EXAMS & CERTIFICATES
                                     •  Truck/Bus Drivers
                                     •  Basic Med for Pilots
                                     •  Coast Guard for Boaters
                                     •  Pre-Op for Upcoming Surgery
                                            Board Certified
                                       Occupational Medicine
                                             C.E. Jensen, MD                     Sonya Twine and Xavier Twine Jr.
                                      Denton, MD 410-924-8560                    stand with their newborn son, Emitt
                                                                                 Newton Twine
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