Page 38 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 38

chase at the Ridgely Train Station on   Thank you for participating! If there
                                               Railroad Ave. All participants are also   are additional questions you may email
                                               asked to donate a non-perishable pet   us at or look
                                               food item to support the Pet Pantry at   for details at or
                                               the Caroline County Animal Shelter.
                                                                                 or call 410-490-5825.
                                               For Santa Chase information and
                                               registrations contact Caroline County   Marydel Lions Club ‘Goes
                       “We Serve”
                                               Recreation and Parks offi  ce at 410-479-  Whole Hog --- With Honey’!
                                               8120 or at .
                8th Annual Santa Chase                                           The Marydel Lions Club, in its 74th year

                                                 The Ridgely Lions Club 2022     of service to the communities, folks
            On Friday, December 2nd the Ridgely,
            Greensboro, Denton and Hurlock Lions     Christmas Parade!           and families of the northern portion
            Clubs will sponsor the 8th Annual   The 2022 Ridgely Lions Christmas   of Maryland’s Caroline County  and a
            Santa Chase Luminary 2 Mile Fun    Parade will be held on Saturday   major western portion of Delaware’s
            Run and Walk at Martin Sutton Park   December 3rd! As always there is no   Kent County has ‘Gone Whole Hog
            on 4th Street in Ridgely. This year’s   official registration process for this   --- With Honey’! Please see the
            race is also sponsored by the Caroline   event other than to jot down a little bit   accompanying  advertisement in this
            County Department of Recreation and   of information on an index card and   issue of the Caroline Review that
            Parks, the Town of Ridgely, Sign Trek by   show up at the 4th Street parking lot   highlights these two events.
            Ace Design, and the Caroline County   of Martin Sutton Park (near the Skate   Specifically, lets first consider the ‘Gone

            Humane Society. All proceeds from   Park). The information that we would   Whole Hog’.  A whole hog that will dress

            the Fun Run will support Lion’s vision   like to have on the card is (the name of   out at 200 pounds will be raffl  ed off  with
            and community programs as well as the   your group and any brief message that   the winner being selected at the Club’s
            Caroline County Humane Society.
                                               you would like to have our announcer   Business Dinner Meeting on Tuesday,
            Cost for the Santa Chase is $15 per   share with spectators).        December the 6th. The hog will be
            person if registered by November 28th   Line up begins at about 6 PM and we   dressed, processed and wrapped ready
            and $20 after November 28th. For a pet   really like to have all parade participants   for pick-up by the holder of the winning

            and person team, cost is $20 and a group   there by 6:30 PM. It is important to tell   raffle ticket. Members of the Club will

            of 4 is $50. You can get the Santa Chase   all parents and those dropping off  parade   be delighted to sell raffle tickets at one
            registration forms at the Caroline Rec   participants to enter 4th Street from   ticket for $5 or three tickets for $10.

            and Parks office at 107 South 4th Street   Sunset Avenue. Please be prepared to   Tickets can also be acquired from Wayne
            in Denton or online at www.carolinerec-  drop off participants and move on down   Voshell at wvoshell@wintransportinc.

                                                           net or
                                               4th Street and away from the Parade   which is Terry Higgins’ e-mail.

            The Santa Chase will begin promptly at   Staging area.  4th Street will be one way
            7 pm with race check-in and registration   for the evening moving from Sunset   Now lets talk about Honey! This has

            from 5:45-6:55 pm on 4th Street near the   towards Park Avenue. There will be no   been an exceptionally good year for
            skate park. Th e flat 2 Mile course will be   parking along 4th Street or in the rear   honey production in this part of the

            lighted with over 600 luminaries and   parking lot of Martin Sutton Park except   DelMarVa Peninsula.  The Club has 200
            the Town of Ridgley’s holiday lights on   for “Vehicles/Parade Entries”.  Please   pounds of local honey in one-pound

            Railroad Ave and Belle Street. This is a   dress appropriately for the weather that   jars for sale under the label of Lee’s
            pet friendly event, but please remember   evening.                   Bees --- All Natural Local Honey!  Both
            to have your pet on a leash. All runners,   The parade will get underway by our   the traditional Amber Honey from

            walkers and their four-legged friends are   designated start time of 6:45 PM. Th e   wildflowers and the Light Honey from

            encouraged to dress in their best holiday   parade will leave Martin Sutton Park   Baby Lima Bean flowers are off ered at
            costumes. Prizes with be awarded to   on 4th Street to Central Avenue and   $9 a jar.
            the best male, female, family, and pet   this year we will turn left on Railroad   The honey is available from leevoshell@

            costumes. First, second and third place   Avenue and then left again on Maryland or from Terry Higgins’ above

            prizes will be awarded to the top three   where the parade will end. Featured   listed e-mail.
            male, female and canine-reindeer teams.   performances are scheduled by the
            The Santa Chase awards and costume   North Caroline High School “Band of   The income generated from these two

            prizes will be distributed immediately   Blue” and the Lockerman Middle School   unique Club fund raisers will be used
            following the race. Participants and   Band. Santa will be at the Train Station   to support the Marydel Lions Club
            volunteers are invited to enjoy tasty   aft er the parade to visit with children   activities. Please know that 100% of all
            goodies and hot cocoa following the                                  funds raised by the Club are returned to
                                               of all ages.
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