Page 40 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 40

e-market places), seeking help from social services, health
                                                                departments and our network of partners and caregivers. A
                                                                new resource in our toolbox is the Maryland Department of
                                                                Aging’s Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use Program, where
                                                                we can refer requests for DME. The donated equipment has

                                                                been repaired and cleaned for distribution. For more info,
                                                                email or call 240-230-8000 or
                 13699 Greensboro Rd., Greensboro, MD
                              410-482-6897                      If you know of someone in need of assistance, have their
                               caregiver or healthcare provider contact the Ridgely or
                                                                Greensboro Lions Clubs to see if we are able to help. Message
                                                                us on at Ridgely Lions Club or Greensboro
               “Impacting Caroline County and beyond
                                                                MD Lions Club. If you are reading this and have some good
                with the love of Christ for eternal gain”       used durable medical equipment that you would like to donate
                                                                to our project, let us know. We will even pick it up.
                      Welcoming guests every week.
                                                                The Lions DME Program has outgrown our existing facility and

               SATURDAY                 SUNDAY
                                                                we are looking for a new location in the Ridgely/Greensboro
                  6 PM          9 AM Drive-In Experience        area. If you have a 2,500-3,000 Sq. Ft. facility that might fi t our
                Experience      11 AM Indoor Experience         needs, please contact Lion Dave Davis at 443-786-2547.
                                                                   Lions Participated in “Great Cycle Challenge”
                                   Greensboro Quick Stop                     to Help End Kid’s Cancer
                     Greensboro Elementary
                                                                During September, two Ridgely Lions Club members
                                                                participated in the Great Cycle Challenge, Riding to Fight
                                       Greater Impact           Kid’s Cancer.  Lions Rick Barton and TJ Adams, both pledged to
                                                                ride 300+ miles during the month. We are happy to announce
                                                                that Lion Rick pedaled 500 miles and raised $2,525 and Lion
                                              Greensboro Rd.    TJ rode every day in September for a grand total of 610 miles
                                                                and raised $1,417. Thank you Lions Rick and TJ for your
                                                                participation and perseverance.
            In late September, we received a request from a pair of caregivers   For more info about Lion Rick’s effort go to https://
            in Stevensville requesting a hospital bed for a 93 yr. old client., and for Lion TJ
            Arthur was having trouble getting in and out of his regular bed.   go to  Every
            Ridgely Lion Dave Davis was able to deliver a fully articulating   dollar raised goes to the Children’s Cancer Research Fund.
            electric hospital bed with a new mattress and side rails making
            it easier for the caregivers to assist Arthur.

                                                                This year the Great Cycle Challenge had their greatest year to
            The Durable Medical Equipment Loan project isn’t just an   date with 33,657 bicyclists riding 3,461,637 miles and  raising

            investment of Lion’s time and money. It is also about service   $10,671,281 dollars to fight Kid’s Cancer.
            opportunities and partnerships with other organizations and
                                                                If you sponsored Lions Rick or TJ, then we thank you for
            agencies like the Maryland Department of Social Services, the
                                                                your contributions.  If you’d like to donate to the fi ght against
            local county health departments, the Maryland Department
                                                                Childhood Cancer, you can still contribute through the Great
            of Aging (Upper Shore Aging, local Senior Centers, Durable
                                                                Cycle Challenge at or the
            Med Equipment Re-Use Program), the hospice care units,
                                                                Children’s Cancer Research Fund at https://childrenscancer.

            local non-profits (Aaron’s Place, The Samaritan House and
            His Hope Ministries), the local Lions Clubs (Denton, Preston,
            Federalsburg, Marydel, Galena, Chestertown, Easton, Hurlock,
                                                                For more information or to get involved with the Ridgely Lions
            Sharptown & Salisbury) and multiple caregivers from the
                                                                Club or a Lions Club in your community, feel free to contact
            private and public sectors.
                                                                Lion Dave Davis at 443-786-2547 or or
            Unfortunately, we can’t always help with every request for

            assistance. Th e first thing we do is put the request on our waiting
            list. Then we look for alternatives to locate the equipment, with

            referrals to other lions clubs or loan closets, look at renting or
            purchasing equipment (retail, resale, on-line searches of local
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