Page 45 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 45

FREE                                 All
                                                                 Community                            Welcome

                                                                   Saturday, November 19

                                                                  Community  Thanksgiving Dinner at 4:30 PM
                                                                                Concert at 6 PM
                                                                          FREE ADMISSION –  All Welcome
                                                                             Love Offering Will Be Received

                                                                                           13699 Greensboro Rd.
                                                                                              Greensboro, MD
            Ministries. Please RSVP to Bobbi Remines by phone or text            
            to 410-570-0494.
            FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18                                 Turkey Shoot at Denton American Legion Post #29, 9238
            Friday Night Dinner at Denton American Legion Post #29,   Legion Road with 1 PM start. Info 410-479-2708.
            9238 Legion Road, from 5-7 PM. SAL serving a dinner with   THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24
            menu to be determined.  Entertainment from 7-11 PM with   55th Annual Gun shoot on Th anksgiving Day, from sunrise
            Garrett Roe, Karaoke. Info 410-479-2708.            to 12:30 PM at Federalsburg VFW Post 5246, 2630 Veterans Dr.
            SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19                               Trap and Still Targets. Family event.  Food available. Conact:
            Membership meeting and Christmas decorating at Preston   (410-829-6308
            Historical Society Museum, 167 Main Street, Preston.     SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26
            Meeting starts at 10 AM followed by decorating. Th e public   Preston Historical Society Museum will be closed for the
            is invited to attend. For more information visit www.  Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

   or call 410-924-9080.  SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3
            Toy Bingo at the Cordova firehouse. Doors open at noon.     Preston Historical Society’s 9th Annual Christmas Open

            For more information, call Karen 410-829-7213 or Jeanie   House, at the Preston Historical Society Museum, 167 Main
            410-829-7214.                                       Street, Preston, 10 AM to 2 PM.  Santa Claus will be available for
                                                                pictures, refreshments served and sold. For more information
            Annual Holiday Benefit Auction at Suicide Bridge
                                                                visit or call 410-924-9080.
            Restaurant Pavillion. Preview items at 3PM, bidding begins
            at 4. Sponsored by First United Methodist Church, Secretary.   Craft  Show hosted by Delmarva Community Services, Inc. at
            Items include Ocean City week vacation, jewelry, hand craft ed   Chesapeake Grove, 108 Chesapeake Street in Cambridge from
            items, holiday decor, themed gift baskets, gift certificates   8-2 PM. Tables are available for $15 a table or 2 tables for $20.
            to local businesses, baked goods, etc. Free admission, free   Reserve your space by calling 410-221-1900 ext 116 or email
            beverages. Menu items available for sale. Auctioneer Richie

            Trice. Benefiting Patriot Point Center for Veterans and Pleasant

                                                                The Ridgely Lions Annual Christmas Parade from 4th Street
            Day Medical Adult Day Care.
                                                                to the festively decorated Central Ave. in historic Ridgely.
            SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20                                 Line-up at 6:00 PM at Martin Sutton Park (4th Street Parking
            Sunday Breakfast at Denton American Legion Post #29, 9238   Lot)  Enter 4th Street from Sunset Avenue side. For groups,
            Legion Road.  8-11 AM.  Info 410 479 2708.          organizations, and individuals to participate contact  the
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