Page 48 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 48

accepting applications from local artists   Cardboard Gingerbread Houses
                                               to display their work in our gallery! If   November 16 from 5:30-6:30 pm at Th e
                                               you’re interested, please submit your   Foundry.  $15 per person
                                               portfolio to  Come on over to The Foundry to make

                                                                                 cardboard gingerbread houses. We’ll
                                                  Open Studio at the Foundry     be decorating the houses with glitter,
                                                       November 17th             colored paints, iced frosting sprinkles
                                                                                 and so much more!
                                               Meet Rose Jeon, our newest artist-in-
                                               residence. Rose is a talented illustrator   Glass Bottles
                  The Foundry                  and multimedia artist from Caroline   November 30 from 5:30-6:30 pm at
                                               County and is excited for the opportu-  Th e Foundry
             featuring artists in Caroline County
                                               nity to be a full-time artist thru Decem-  Don’t throw those pretty bottles away.
                401 Market Street, Denton      ber at Th e Foundry!              Make art with them! In this class you
               Wed. – Fri., Noon - 5; Sat., 10-3                                 will be painting abstract designs on
                                               During this time, Rose will receive a
                                                   recycled bottles to make colorful vases,
                                               working wage and art supplies stipend   candle holders, and you can even make
                                               thanks to support from the Caroline   a night-light bottle! $15 Decorative
                    M. Joyce Ziegler
                                               County Council of Arts and the Mary-  Bottle/$20.
                      1934 ~ 2022
                                               land State Arts Council.
                   Artist of the Month
                     At the Foundry            We invite you, November 17th from 3-5
                                               pm, to observe Rose working in studio,
            “Iconic is the best adjective to describe   sharing works-in-progress and explain-
            plein-air painter M. Joyce Zeigler. Her   ing the creative process!
            oil painting style is clear and forceful.
            Her strokes are broad and her colors   Beginners Classes – Every Wednes-
            are direct, bright and rich. Drawing   day from 5:30-6:30 pm at Th e Foundry.

            upon lifetime memories, she fi nds an   Featuring a different project every week.
            endless variety of images she can choose   No “artistic talent” required. Just come   Upcoming Classes
            to paint, be it on land and water, or in   to learn, discover a new medium, and
            the sky. The works are notable for their   have fun! Taught by a rotating group of   & Exhibits

            vivacity and the richness of her palette.  local Caroline County artists.
            Her oil painting career began in 1959   Register online at www.carolinearts.  A growing variety of classes and exhibits

            under the tutelage of local artist Nancy   org. The arts are accessible to everyone.   featuring talented, experienced Caroline
            Asher and later with the Academy of the   Scholarships available for most classes.  County artists and instructors.
            Arts in Easton, Maryland.”         DIY Collage Class                 Shop Small Business Saturday –
                                               November 2 from 5:30-6:30 pm at Th e
            Come to The Foundry to honor Joyce                                   November 26 at10 am

                                               Foundry.  $15 per person
            and her work for the entire month of                                 Come to Downtown Denton to support
                                               We›re tearing into the new month with   your local small businesses and to
                                               this collage course with artist Shalagh   support the arts here at the Foundry!
                                               Hogan! Join us in creating a fun, unique,
                                               and beautiful work of art the first   Artist-in-Residence –
                                               Wedneday of the new month!        We are now accepting applications for
                                                                                 our Artist in Residence programs, of
                                               Beginners Mosaics Class: Blue Crabs  which there are a few options to apply!
                                               Thursday, November 10 from 5:30-  Chosen artists will have the opportu-
                                               7:30 pm                           nity to utilize the studio space at The
                                               Want to learn how to create your very   Foundry. Apply now online!
                                               own mosaic piece? Learn glass cutting
                                                                                 Write On! – 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30-8
                                               techniques, adhesives, and much more.
                                                                                 pm via Zoom
                                               Finished works can be displayed indoors

                     Call for Artists                                            Join local legend Keith Shaffer for a fun,
                                               or out!
                                                                                 upbeat writing class where participants

            The Foundry hosts local artwork from   $35 CCCA Members / $40 non-   choose their own writing methods and
            over 40 of Caroline County’s most   members. All materials provided.  share their stories with a diff erent topic
            talented artists and artisans, would you                             each session. This is an adults only
            like to be among them? We are now                                    writing class. Participation is free.
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