Page 55 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 55

SHIP assistance is free! One of our services is to perform your
            annual “D” “checkup” to insure you are getting the best bang
            for your buck each year, so call today!              SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC
            Speaking of bang for your buck, there is great news for        Marti Wright  •  Owner

            Medicare Benefi ciaries! The standard monthly premium for   Independent Insurance Broker
            Part “B” in 2023 is going down to $164.90, a decrease of $7
            from the 2022 rate, for those whose Annual Individual Income   Over 25 Years Experience with
            is less than $97,000! This rate of $164.90 per person also   Medicare Supplement Insurance

            applies to those filing a joint tax return showing a household
            income less than or equal to $194,000. Additionally, the Part    Phone: (410) 443-1169
            “B” deductible is also dropping $7 for all Medicare recipients   Email:
            to $226 for 2023!

            The reason for this is twofold. The $170.10 2022 premium

            included a “contingency margin” to cover “B” spending on
            the Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm. In a nutshell, this IV infusion
            drug is limited to use on very early-stage patients with mild
            dementia whose specified PET & MRI scans showed plaque

            deposits in the brain. Aduhelm (generic is aducanumab) is   Skilled Nursing Facility  520 Kerr Avenue
            designed as anti-body to stimulate the immune system to   We offer: Rehabilitation/Therapy, Respite,  Denton, MD 21629
            break down these protein plaques but is not considered a   Dementia Care, Wound Care, IV Therapy,  Phone: 410-479-2130
            cure for Alzheimer’s. On January 11, 2022, CMS proposed   Palliative Care, and so much more!  Fax: 410-479-3057
            that this medication would be covered by Medicare only
                                                                           Call us today!
            for patients enrolled in qualifying clinical studies. Clinical

            trials showed most common side effects were brain swelling

            in 35% of patients, with 20% reporting headaches related to   pocket cost limit will benefit people with diabetes who rely
            the brain swelling, while some experienced small spots of   on more than just insulin to survive” (American Diabetes
            bleeding on or in the brain. 15% reported falls, with 8-9% of   Association).
            participants experiencing delirium, confusion, vision changes,
                                                                Those who take insulin using a pump will not have to reach

            and diarrhea. Some reported swelling allergic relations of the
                                                                their deductible to benefit from the $35 cap, since Pump
                                                                insulin is normally covered by “B”. However, benefi ciaries do

            Therefore, lower than projected spending on Aduhelm and   pay the 20% for the pump itself, which is considered Durable
            other “B” items and services left larger than anticipated   Medical Equipment (DME), unless they have supplemental
            reserve bucks in the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust   insurance or are QMB.
            Fund. Secondly, each year the “B” premium, deductible, and
                                                                For individuals under 65 and families who are insured by
            coinsurance rates are determined by the Social Security Act,
                                                                private insurance through the Maryland Health Connection,
            which addresses the costs passed onto Medicare benefi ciaries.
                                                                the American Rescue Plans IRA extends those pandemics
            By law, those excess reserves in the SMI Trust Fund are getting
            passed on to the folks who took a beating last year with the   related premium subsidies known as tax credits through 2025.

            major jump in “B” premiums and deductibles!         Those premium subsidies will not end at the end of 2022, as
                                                                originally planned, but will continue for another three years.

            Th e Inflation Reduction Act, (IRA) signed into law in August,   Contact the Health Connection at 410-479-8004.
            puts limits on what people could pay for prescription drugs
                                                                More good news: Beginning January 1, 2023, Medicare
            every year. Starting July 1st of 2023, Medicare will cap the cost

                                                                beneficiaries who are 36 months post kidney transplant (and
            of insulin at $35 per month for each insulin prescription for
                                                                therefore were not eligible for full Medicare coverage) can pay

            all beneficiaries. Please note that is July not January, July 2023
            is not a typo. This cap will occur whether the benefi ciary has   an additional Part “B” annual premium of $97.10 for their

            met their annual deductible or not. People who are charged   immunosuppressive drug coverage to continue. “Th is option
                                                                is only for those who do not have Medicaid or any other
            more than $35 per month in the first few months after the cap

                                                                public or private health insurance with an immunosuppressive
            is enacted will be reimbursed by the plan for the diff erence
                                                                benefit.  Anyone who had a transplant and whose Medicare

            in cost. The IRA also addresses the high cost of prescription

                                                                eligibility expires before, on, or after January 1, 2023, can enroll
            medications in part “D”. The law caps the total out of pocket

                                                                in Medicare Part B solely for immunosuppressive coverage if
            costs to $2,000 per year starting in 2025.
                                                                they do not have other insurance for their immunosuppressive

             “Considering the fact that $1 in every $3 spent on prescription   drugs. The enrollment period begins October 1st for anyone
            drugs in the US is spent on someone with diabetes, this out-of-  whose Medicare coverage ends prior to January 1,2023.
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