Page 58 - November 2022 Issue.indd
P. 58

required for relatively expensive services,   •  Provide information that is   Federalsburg Senior Center
           such as inpatient hospital stays, Part B   inaccurate or misleading
           drugs, and skilled nursing facility stays,                             November is going to be a busy month!
                                                •  Require attendees to provide

           and is rarely required for preventive                                  The Federalsburg Senior Center will be
                                                  contact information as a
           services”. PA is also required for the                                 observing Alzheimer’s Month.
                                                  prerequisite for attending
           majority of enrollees for some of the   a marketing event
           extra (Perk!) benefi ts.                                               To observe Alzheimer’s Month, we will
                                                •  Call marketing event attendees   be having a presentation by Susan Weller,
           Many Medicare Advantage plans include   later without permission       Community Outreach Coordinator. Th e
           prescription drug coverage. There is   •  Call prospective enrollees   date and time to be announced later.
           a plan based out of Texas that will

                                                  to confirm receipt of           November 15 the seniors will be
           only provide drug coverage. Some do
                                                  mailed information              participating in Alzheimer’s activities;
           not require a premium. Others do for                                   November 10 we will be making fall
           prescription drug coverage.          • Approach benefi ciaries in
                                                  public common areas, such       center pieces; November 17, Mr. Kenny
           Agents that are marketing Medicare     as parking lots, hallways,      and Band will be performing at 11:30
           products have guidelines set out by    lobbies, or sidewalks           and we will be celebrating birthdays
           CMS that they must follow. Under                                       with a potluck dinner. November 22 the
           these guidelines, Plan representatives   Reminder to please get your fl u shots   seniors will be having a show and tell on
           and sales agents cannot:           ASAP! I know from experience this   what they are thankful for.
                                              year’s version is brutal!
             •  Use language that suggests their                                  Tuesdays: Tyrell James will be at the
               plan is preferred by Medicare   Remember to vote! Early voting takes   Center at 10 AM presenting Healthy
             •  Represent itself as coming    place at the HAPPS building 10/27   living. At 11 AM the seniors will be
               from or sent by Medicare,      to 11/3, 7 am-8 pm and the big day is   doing exercise with Lametha Elbert, a
               Social Security, or Medicaid   November 8th. Know where to vote on   member of the Center.
                                              the 8th from 7 am-8pm or call 410-479-
             •  Call or text you if you did   8145 if you have not received your notice   Closed dates for the Center are November
               not ask them to do so                                              8 for Election Day and November 24 for
                                              about where your polling location is.
             •  Leave information (such as                                        Th anksgiving.
               leafl ets, flyers, door hangers,   Wishing you all a Safe & Happy

               etc.) on your car or at your   Th anksgiving!                      The Center is open on Tuesdays and
                                                                                  Thursdays from 9 to 3.

               home if they come from a
               company that did not have                                          Fall is here and the weather has changed.
               an appointment with you                                            Just a reminder that seniors need to stay
                                                                                  bundled up to protect their skin and
                               Support Our Troops!                                other parts of their body. It’s time to

                                                                                  bring out the coats and gloves.
                                   36th Annual American Legion Unit #29
                                         9238 Legion Road, Denton, MD
                               Craft Show

                                                                                      Samaritan House
                                Saturday, Nov. 5    &     Sunday, Nov. 6                THRIFT SHOP
                                  10 am- 3 pm              10 am- 3 pm
                                                                                           Wed.-Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM
                                                                                             Sat. 9 AM - noon
                                  CRAFTS  •  FOOD  •  BAKE TABLE
                                                                                     Fifth Street in Denton behind the Post Office
                                                  •  Silent Auction
                                                  •  Door Prizes
                                                  •  Lunch Daily
                                                  •  Breakfast Sandwiches
                                                      on Sunday (8-11 AM)

                                 Call Joanne Weis at 410-479-4737 for more info.
                                                                                         SERVING THE COMMUNITY
                                                                                         THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT
                 ,)    -ū  ( 5.ū0 . , (-ņū "#& , (ū ( ū.,))*ū*,)!, '-Ņ             Sponsored by United Concerned Christians
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