Page 6 - November 2020 Issue.indd
P. 6

Caroline Review

                             Turns 40

                  Brand New Publication is Born
                          in November of 1980

                                  By Rich Warfi eld

                   was before COVID 19, even   her “little magazine” would
                   before HIV. It was before   still be serving Caroline well
                   Spotify, even before CDs. It   into the 21st century when she
           It  before SpaceX even before       triumphantly put that 28 page
            the Space Shuttle. Can it be that we’ve   first issue to bed forty years
            published 480 issues of the Caroline   ago. Over the years she had
            Review?                            gained training and experience
                                               in the newspaper business
            It doesn’t even seem that long ago when
                                               and gathered the courage to
            we were celebrating the 30th anniversary
                                               turn an interesting idea into a
            of this publication. Along with the
                                               reality when she launched Th e
            intermittent pain in my shoulder,
                                               Caroline Review in November
            realizing that we are celebrating 40
                                               of 1980. Drawing on her own knowledge
            years of The Caroline Review this
                                               and that of several of her close friends,
            month makes me feel worn. Nonetheless,
                                               she was able to communicate to most
            looking back, I find myself tickled by

                                               of the local merchants at that time that
            all the changes that have occurred
                                               they could expect more exposure for
            since our ground-breaking fi rst edition.
                                               their advertising dollar by using The
            Some good, like Bluetooth, Pop Warner
                                               Caroline Review. It was clear to her that
            Football and Rita’s Italian Ice; some
                                               the magazine would become something
            not-so-good, like social media, identity
                                               that folks in Caroline would keep on

            theft, and the weird traffic pattern at Rt.

                                               their coff ee table or near the telephone
            404 and Legion Road. For the Caroline
                                               until the next month’s issue came out.
            Review, much has changed… and little
                                               She also believed that folks would
            has changed. It began due to vision,
                                               quickly become excited about its many
            hard work, and need, and has become
                                               unique features and that excitement
            a unique Caroline County institution
                                               would translate into exposure and
            due to community demand and a
                                               customer traffi  c.
            passionate concern for accuracy. Still a
            great value to advertisers, it is more than   Some of those original merchants
            a local source of interesting news, facts,   continue to advertise in the Caroline
            stories, and features. It is much more   Review and feel that it has been an
            than just an established local family-run   integral part of their own personal
            business. It is even more than the least   success stories. These “oldtimers”,
            expensive advertising medium for local   like Lifetime Well Drilling and Ray’s
            merchants. Dare I say that it is now a   Electrical Service may recall that the fi rst
            part of Caroline history.          issue contained this “… Message From
                                               Th e Publisher.”
            Some of you may recall that I wrote
                                                                                 contribute greatly to Caroline County’s
            a piece several years ago in honor of   This little magazine does not intend to

                                                                                 unique character.
            The Caroline Review’s founder and   have causes, or to engage in controversy.
            my mother, Adelaide Warfield, and   We just wish to collect, for your review,   The interest for a monthly magazine
            the contributions she made to the   happenings of interest to Caroline   was generated when the “Journal” ceased
            community she loved so much. I wonder   Countians during each month, frequently   publication on July 30, 1980.  Th e Journal

            if she would have ever dreamed that   featuring people and events which   office was flooded with telephone calls,
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