Page 32 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 32

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                                                                 D: Diameter. The mole is larger then
                                               rates are on the Eastern and Western   the end of a pencil eraser.
                                               shores of The Chesapeake Bay and

                                               Central Maryland counties.        E: Elevated or Enlarged. Other
                                                                                 warning signs may iclude a sore that
              May is Melanoma Awareness        When diagnosed early, melanoma can   doesn’t heal, a spread of color from the
                        Month                  be cured! It is also the most preventable   border into neighboring skin, a change
                                               type of cancer.                   in sensation in a mole such as itchiness,
              Submitted by Leigh Marquess, RN,                                   tenderness or pain, oozing or bleeding
                                               Everyone has some risk for developing
            Director for Wellness Promotions at the                              from a mole, and a brown or black spot
                                               skin cancer, some more than others.
             Caroline County Health Department.                                  underneath a nail.

                                               These include (1) light skin that burns
                                               or freckles easily, (2) naturally light   How to protect your skin
            May brings outdoor living! Even with   hair, blonde, red or light brown, (3)   from the sun
            the COVID-19 virus still present,   light colored eyes, blue, green or grey,   •  Avoid direct sun when it is
            gardens and farmland are being planted,   (4) family history of skin cancer, and   strongest, 10 am - 4 pm.
            boats are being readied for summer   (5) a history of sunburns as a child. One

            crabbing and fishing, outside projects   or two blistering sunburns as a child   •  Encourage your children to play
            are underway, kids are playing outside   doubles a person’s chance of developing   in the shade.
            and riding bikes until the sun goes   melanoma later in life. (6) Tanning bed   •  Wear protective clothing such
            down. Now and truly all year round is   use.                              as a wide-brimmed hat, long
            the time to build safe sun habits into                                    sleeve shirt and UV protection
                                               Dark-skinned people are more likely to
            your family’s daily routine to prevent                                    sunglasses.
                                               get melanoma on palms of hands, soles
            sun damage and potential skin cancer.
                                               of feet, nail beds and lips.        •  Use 30 SPF UVA/UVB
            Skin cancer is the most common type                                       sunscreen. Keep an extra small
                                               Recognize Melanoma! Know your
            of cancer with more cases diagnosed                                       bottle in your car, purse and kids
            each year than all other cancers                                          backpack.

            combined! There are three main types   A: Asymmetry. One half of a mole
                                                                                   •  Avoid tanning beds.
            of skin cancer. Most are either Basal   doesn’t look like the other.
            cell or Squamous cell carcinoma.                                       •  Check your skin thoroughly once
                                               B: Border. Irregular edges to a mole,
            These seldom become life threatening.                                     a month.

                                               not defi ned.
            Melanoma is less common but a more
                                                                                 Get to know your skin and your
            serious cancer. It is responsible for   C: Color. Different colors appear in   own pattern of moles, freckles and

            more than 75% of skin cancer deaths.   the same mole.                birthmarks. Have someone else check
            In Maryland, the highest melanoma
                                                                                 your back and scalp and other places
                                                                                 that may be hard for you to see.
                                     DOT/CDL                                     Call your doctor if you find any new

                                                                                 or changing skin growths. Taking these
                           MEDICAL EXAMS                                         steps will significantly reduce your

                                                                                 chances of developing skin cancer
                                                                                 and enjoying a happy, sunburn-free
                                     Complying with New
                                  Government Requirements
                                                                                 Th e   Caroline  County   Health
                                                 FMCSA Certified Physician       Department   Wellness  Programs,
                                                                                 funded in part through the Maryland
                                                      C.E. Jensen, MD
                     Prompt                                                      Cigarette Restitution Fund, provides
                     Service         Competitive                                 skin  cancer  education  to  the
                                        Price           410-924-8560
                                                                                 community.  If you have questions
                          Evenings and Saturdays by appointment                  related to skin cancer education or
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