Page 29 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 29

Marydel Lions Club Chicken BBQ Dinners           Southeastern portion of Queen Anne County as well as a major
                       World Famous Funnel Cakes                Western portion of Delaware’s Kent County.

            At the April 6 Marydel Lions Club’s Board Of Directors meet-  Our Marydel Lions Club members are anxious to resume our
            ing, preliminary plans were made for the resumption of our   Club service project and program activities and with your
            ‘World Famous’ Funnel Cakes and BBQ Chicken Dinner events.     good support of our fundraising activities we are able to do
            Understandably, these highly acclaimed and very popular   so much more for those in our service area.  Our membership
            activities will be subject to the degree to which our society has   door is always open to those who feel called upon to join and
            reopened from our current pandemic of limited social interac-  serve. Inquiries can be directed to Terry Higgins at tmhig-
            tions. Providing that all goes well, including the acquisition of or 302-363-5823.  Please remember that
            the proper county food permit, land owner site permission and   as Lions --- WE SERVE because WE CARE, WE HELP and
            socially accepted ‘stop, order, pay, grab ‘n go’ protocol, we have   WE ACCOMPLISH!
            tentatively set the date for Saturday, October 9 at State Line

            Gas in Marydel.  The chicken dinners and funnel cakes will be   TAX RETURNS
            available from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, if not sold out sooner!
            If these tentative plans come to fruition, look for our ad in the   Individual & Small Business
            September issue of the Caroline Review.  Please remember
                                                                         Providing bookkeeping and payroll
            that 100% of all of the money raised from all of the Marydel
                                                                             services to small business.
            Lions Club’s fundraising activities is returned through the
            Club’s programs and projects that aid and support the children,
            youth, families, adults and seniors in our service area in both
            the Northern portion of Maryland’s Caroline County and the

                                                                  MD Tax Preparers       E-Filer and ERO.
                                                                  License#701            AFSP designation
                                                                  MD Insurance License
                                                                  #66740  NPN #6823664   NOTARY PUBLIC

                                                                  Gary K. Ball, AFSP

                 13699 Greensboro Rd., Greensboro, MD             GKB BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICES
                                                                  5566 Harmony Woods Dr
                                                                  Preston Maryland 21655
               “Impacting Caroline County and beyond              410-673-7560
                                                                  410-673-7561 Fax
                with the love of Christ for eternal gain”
                                                                  410-310-2738 Cell
                      Welcoming guests every week.
                                                                               Aaron’s Place
               SATURDAY                 SUNDAY
                  6 PM          9 AM Drive-In Experience              401 Aldersgate Drive, Denton  •  443-243-5906
                Experience      11 AM Indoor Experience
                                                                Food Pantry / Clothing Closet Hours
                                                                DENTON: 401 Aldersgate Dr. / Tuesday - Wednesday
                                   Greensboro Quick Stop
                                                                - 9 am to 2 pm,  Thursday - 9 am to 1 pm.

                     Greensboro Elementary
                                                                DENTON: 9058 Double Hills Road.
                                                                Wednesday 7 pm to 8 pm
                                       Greater Impact
                                                                GOLDSBORO: 435 Main Street. Monday

                                                                and Thursday - 9 am to 1 pm.
                                              Greensboro Rd.    FEDERALSBURG:  Civic League Building, 3439
                                                                Laurel Grove Road. Wednesday 4 pm to 6 pm.
                                                                Please call 410-479-0292 if any questions.

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