Page 24 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 24

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                     by Jeanne Trice

             ALL THE LIBRARY SERVICES          your time in the library to one hour or    Caroline Cooks
               YOU’VE ALWAYS LOVED -           less, and maintain social distancing.   Calling all cooks! The Library is
                  SERVED UP SOME               Contactless services, such as curbside   collecting local recipes with the goal of
                     NEW WAYS!                 pickup, laptop/hotspot lending, and   creating a Caroline County cookbook.
                                               virtual programs, are still available.
                                                                                 Submit your family’s recipe for a chance
             Friends of the Library Raffl  e and   Visit our website or call 410-479-1343,   to be featured–don’t forget to tell us a
                May 1 Pit BBQ fundraiser!      Ext. 106 for updated hours and services.  little bit about its history. We’d also love

            Take a chance to win one of ten gift   The Coming Soon list is changing!  to have a picture of the finished dish, or
            bundles loaded with all sorts of good   Do you subscribe to the library’s   even the recipe creator. Fill out a recipe
            stuff from local businesses. See photos   “Coming Soon” list for bestselling   form at to make a digital

            of the bundles and purchase tickets at   fiction? We now have a new set of lists   submission or visit any location for a

            any library location. The drawing will be                            paper copy.
                                               you can subscribe to that will send you
            held right after the Friends’ Catering by   a list of books in all your favorite genres.   Books-by-Mail service available

            Jamie Pit BBQ fundraiser on May 1st.  If you are already a subscriber, you will   Can’t get to the library? Let us bring
            You can pre-order your BBQ at any   receive an email with a link to join the   the library to you! Books-by-Mail is a
            library location or just stop by the   new system.

                                                                                 free service offered to Caroline County
            corner of Rt. 404 and River Road   Interested in finding a list of great new   residents with a Caroline County Public

            outside Denton on Saturday, May 1,   reads, delivered directly to your inbox?   Library card. It allows homebound
            from 11 am-2 pm (or until we run out!).
                                               Want to expand your reading horizons   residents to borrow and return library
            Meet some new Friends and get some   and see what the future holds? Subscribe   books and audiobooks through the
            fantastic BBQ for your Saturday lunch.  today at http://www.libraryaware.  mail.
            Choose a smoked beef or turkey     com/3117/Subscribers/Subscribe.   No card? No problem! Call us at
            sandwich, a bag of chips, and a drink   Place your hold requests directly from   410-479-1343, Ext. 106 to set up your
            for $9.                            the lists or call or visit so that we can   free library card account. Visit our
                     Welcome back!             place them for you. Paper copies of the   website, click on the Services menu, and
                Our doors are now open.        original “Coming Soon” list will still be   click “Books by Mail” or call 410-479-
                                               available at all three locations.    1343, Ext. 170 for more information.
            All branches are now open for in-person
            services.  Masks must be worn over your                                  Laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots
            nose and mouth at all times.  Please limit                                 available for check out
                                                                                 Borrow a laptop or hotspot! It’s free with
                                                                                 your library card, and you can get expert
                                                                                 remote tech help from a librarian.
                                                                                 Must be 18 or older. For details, visit
                                                                                 our website, click on the Services menu
                                                                                 and then  “Laptops for Checkout” or call
                                                                                 410-479-1343, Ext. 106.
                                                                                      Faxing and Printing at all
                                                                                 Send us your documents via our
                                                                                 website or bring them to curbside
                                                                                 service and we can make copies or fax
                                                                                 for you! When uploading your print/
                                                                                 fax requests please include as many
                                                                                 details as possible, including the library
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