Page 23 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 23

home and succeed in school. They’re        Local Girl Scouts Send Cookies to
            also half as likely to re-enter the foster   Residents at Ronald McDonald House
            care system.

            While we all have a responsibility to help   Katrina Benges and Ally Phebus of GS Troop 1121 from Greensboro and Hayden
            children and youth who’ve experienced   Mench from GS Troop 180 from Price, MD helped sell cookies for the residents
            abuse and/or neglect, this month we say   and family members of the Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore.
            thank you to every foster family, child
            welfare professional, judge and volunteer   Kristen Chouinard, Katrina’s mom helped coordinate the task to sell the cookies
            who dedicates their life to serving and   and the girls sold cookies to extended family members and friends from New York,
            protecting over 423,000 children and   North Carolina, Maryland and Delaware to help support these residents and to help
            youth in the foster care system. We are   make their day a little brighter.
            grateful for your dedication, selfl essness
                                                Marie Freeman is a local Caroline County resident whose family has helped

            and countless daily sacrifices to support
                                                support and has volunteered for the Ronald McDonald House for over 20 years.
            children who have experienced abuse or
                                                She will deliver the cookies to the families on behalf of the GS Troops. Marie is
            neglect. To learn more about National
                                                currently raising funds for bags stuff ed with essentials for Mother’s Day for the
            Foster Care Month and the foster care
                                                Ronald McDonald House. If you are interested in helping, please contact her at
            system, please visit www.childwelfare.
            gov.  To learn more about becoming
            a CASA volunteer, please visit www.
   or call Shelly at
            410-479-8301.  Together, we can “Change
            a Child’s Story”!
            The Governor’s Office of Crime Control
            & Prevention funded this project under
            sub-award number CJAC-2019-0004 and
            VOCA-2018-0063. All points of view in this
            document are those of the author and do
            not necessarily represent the offi  cial position
            of any State or Federal Agency. Th is project
            is supported by a grant from the Maryland
            Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts

            number AOC-G20CA0225I.              Pictured left to right: Katrina Benges Troop 1121 and Hayden Mench Troop 180

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