Page 22 - May 2021 Issue.indd
P. 22

Caroline CASA                        Th is year’s National Foster Care Month campaign focuses on
                                                              how the foster care system can work to strengthen families.
                              Court Appointed                 It also emphasizes the importance of helping young people
                              Special Advocate                establish and maintain meaningful connections to help them

                                                              during and after their foster care experience. A strong support
                        May is National Foster Care Month     system of professionals and family can help young people
                                                              address the challenges they face as they transition to adulthood.
                                                              We know that children heal in relationships, and that children’s
          May is National Foster Care Month.  It is a time to recognize   outcomes are better in life when they are better connected. Th e
          and honor foster families, volunteers, mentors, policymakers,   same is true for youth who develop personal and community
          child welfare professionals, and other members of the   connections prior to exiting the system. Without opportunities
          community who help children and youth in foster care fi nd   to develop essential life skills, like learning how to appropriately
          safe, permanent, loving homes in which they can thrive. It is   budget money or the process of building credit, foster youth
          also a time to examine how we all play a role in keeping children   can experience negative outcomes. Young people who leave
          safe and families together.                         foster care without permanent connections to a family and

          Foster parents provide a critical safety net for children who’ve   community are at greater risk of not achieving educational
          been abused, neglected, or abandoned by their families. Th ey   goals, becoming pregnant at an early age, being homeless, and
          open their hearts and their homes to provide stability for   facing incarceration.
          children and youth during an otherwise tumultuous time in
                                                              The first week in May is also Children’s Mental Health
          their lives. But foster care is intended as a support system for
                                                              Awareness Week. CASA of Caroline is proud to be
          families, not a substitute for parents. Foster care should partner
                                                              partnering with Caroline County Public Schools and other
          with birth parents and older youth in foster care to identify
                                                              local organizations and businesses to raise awareness of the
          family strengths that can become the foundation of healing
                                                              importance of children’s mental health. According to the
          for the entire family. Children and youth thrive when their
                                                              American Academy of Pediatrics, mental and behavioral
          families have routines, structure, and reasonable expectations;
                                                              health is the largest unmet health need for children and youth
          and parents display warmth and nurturance.
                                                              in foster care. Children who have been removed from their
                                                              home and placed in foster care experience a traumatic event.
                                                              For children to thrive despite abuse or neglect, resilience is

               Now offering cleaning methods and products to
               protect your home or business that are approved   key. The most common factor for developing resilience is

              by the CDC and EPA in the fight against Covid-19.   having a stable relationship with a supportive adult. Positive
                                                              mental and behavioral health requires the consistent presence
                Contact us so that we can create a customizable plan  of at least one nurturing, responsive caregiver in the child’s or
                    for the disinfection of your home or business  youth’s life for a substantial period of time. As children head
                                                              back to school, having caring, dependable adults listen and
                                                              put the child’s best interests before all others can make all the
                       For Over 25 years!                     diff erence.
                           R es i de n t i a l                Foster families frequently provide a child’s fi rst experience
                   Residential & Commercial                   with healthy family routines. For children in foster care, the
                      Construction Cleaning
                      Construction C
                      Construction Cleaning                   presence of a CASA volunteer also has a huge impact on the
                        Window Cleaningeaning
                        Wi n d ow  C l                        outcomes for that child. Children who have a CASA volunteer
                        Window Cleaning
                                                              are more likely to be adopted, are half as likely to reenter
                       One time - Weekly   y                  the foster care system and are less likely to be expelled from
                        One time - Weekly

                     Bi-Weekly - Monthly or                   school.  In fact, children who have a CASA volunteer average
                           Bi-Weekly or

                      customize a schedule                    eight fewer months in foster care than children without one.
                        that’s right for you!                 CASA-supported kids are more likely to find a safe, permanent

                      DCS                                       RIDGELY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN
                                                                          “Simply, Peacefully, Together”
             Details Cleaning Service
                                                                                 110 Park Ave., Ridgely, MD
                                                                           Church 410-634-1103  |  410-714-1167
            Owners: Chris &       FREE         Bonded &
            Shelly Macmillan    ESTIMATES       Insured                      Worship Service at 10:30 AM
            800-482-8009  •  443-867-7330  • 443-867-7331                       Following Covid-19 Guidelines
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