Page 13 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 13

do not think a year went by where   personalities whose path he crossed   those who knew Bill well know exactly
            Bill could not account for 90%-100%   in doing his job. He worked with and   what I am referring to.
            of his spending went. Anything left   investigated some very interesting
            over was saved, and saved he did. His   people. Much the same as I have in my   He was very frugal and prudent with

            frugality allowed him to retire in his   mortgage lending career.    his finances that allowed him to share
            early 60’s and focus on caring for his                               and support things that were important
            mother Elizabeth who lived with him   Having had the pleasure of knowing Bill   to him. Primarily helping young people
            and passed away in December of 2002.  as I did, you realize what an incredibly   afford the cost of higher education.
                                               good friend he was. I do not know how   There are many other local charities

            It was in 2002 that he dedicated a   many times he would ask me “where   that have benefitted from his generosity.
            significant amount of his savings   are you now” during our many phone
            to establish the William Greenly   calls, which immediately would lead   I consider myself incredibly lucky and
            Scholarship Fund for graduating    to me responding not only where I   blessed to have befriended Bill Greenly.
            seniors of North Caroline High School.   was but what I was doing. And if he   There are many others who feel the

            Currently the Fund awards $20,000   ever called me, he first asked “is this a   same way. Although Bill was not what
            scholarships to two graduating seniors   good time to talk.”  And how I will miss   I would call a religious man I stand by
            of North Caroline High School. The   his parting comment when ending a   my initial comment at the beginning
            award is paid $5,000 annually for the   conversation….” Be careful out there.”   of this article.
            entire 4 years of an undergraduate                                   Bill is with the angels, and he is truly at
            bachelor’s degree and is one of the   Denton and Caroline County has lost a   peace. Thank you Bill for having been

            largest scholarships awarded.      big piece of living history. Bill Greenly
                                               experienced the Depression of the 30’s   an important person in my life.
            Thus far the fund has awarded      to the evolution of the technology age
                                                                                 Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
            scholarships to 32 students for a total   and everything in between. He had no
                                                                                 Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi  ces
            of $600,000 in financial aid to deserving   desire or reason to embrace technology,

                                                                                 in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
            NCHS students over the last 24 years.   so he didn’t.                Caroline for his entire life and supports
            The Greenly Scholarship represents                                   the county by volunteering in a variety of
            Bill’s commitment to higher education,   What he did do was focus on what   ways. He currently lives near Greensboro
            but his commitment was not without   is important in the world, our   with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
            concern for the escalating costs of   relationships with each other. He
            higher education. When he attended   rarely spoke negatively about anyone
            Washington College in the late 1940’s   or anything, with one exception. Only
            tuition and room and board was $500
            per year. Today the cost of a year at
            a private university is in the $60,000
            To engage in an initial conversation                                     action
            with Bill you quickly find that you
            are talking about yourself. He was               ʨLʃɓ
            truly interested in you and would ask
                                                                                n Br
            questions. Where do you live? How long                   Kathleen Brenton
            have you lived there, what do you do?
            Are you married, do you have children,                   410-829-3430
            where did you go to school, are you
            related to so and so. Depending on your   BE IN YOUR NEW HOME BY THIS SUMMER
            answer would dictate the direction of
            the next question.
            As I age and find my memory not as

            “fresh” as it used to be I was utterly
            amazed at how much he recalled things
            that happened in his life 50 years ago.
            And details about people he knew
            and worked with. I didn’t realize how                    410-479-HOME (4663)
            much enjoyment I got from his stories                     10794 Greensboro Road
                                                                         Denton, MD 21629
            about his job and the details of the
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