Page 8 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 8


                                                                                   • Low Pressure Exterior Cleaning
   	                                            • No Pressure Roof Cleaning
           	                       B          • Residential & Commercial
                                       • Licensed & Insured
                                                                                              FREE ESTIMATES!
               begins      GUN         Call Tammy for a ticket                                    Brian Bartolomeo
              April 1st                443-786-9266                443-786-3439
                     RAFFLE             $10 each, 3 for $25                    

                                                                duly enjoy more convenient access to the services of a county
             Spaghetti Dinner                                   seat, and

              (first Thursday of the month)                     WHEREAS, in enthusiastic gratitude of the Honorable William
              April 4 & May 2        4-7                        Richardson of Gilpin Point, who as a member of the Maryland
                                                                House of Delegates introduced legislation in the General
                   All you can eat spaghetti, salad, bread, drink.   Assembly of the colony on November 5th, 1773, to create
                        Adults $11. Take-out available.         Caroline County from portions of Dorchester and Queen
                                                                Anne’s County, and

                       Saturday, April 27                       WHEREAS, in joyful appreciation of the colonial legislature
                                                                for enacting the Caroline County bill on December 15th, 1773,
              MCW Wrestling Event                               allowing the instruments of local government to be coordinated
                                                                with all due haste, and

                        Tickets online & at the door.           WHEREAS, in dignified commemoration of the gaveling of

                  Doors open at 6 PM, Show starts 7:30 PM       Caroline County into existence with the fi rst commissioner
                                                                meeting and court session on March 15th, 1774, at Melvill’s
                Chicken N Dumpling DINNER                       Warehouse, and
                                                                WHEREAS, in solemn tribute to those locals who have since
                                Sunday, May 14  • 2-5 PM        accepted the responsibility of developing and defending the
                                  $15 - All You Can Eat Chicken,   rural traditions of Caroline in all of its splendor via agricul-
                                  Dumplings, Mashed Potatoes,   tural and commercial pursuits large or small, through diverse

                                   Chicken Salad, Green Beans,   faith traditions, as selfless military personnel, as educators
                              Applesauce, Rolls, Dessert & Drink.    and public servants of all kinds, as doctors and other health
                 Dine In and Drive Thru Carry Out. Please use drive   professionals, as nationally recognized activists, authors, artists,
               thru for all carry out dinners. Chicken Salad available   entertainers, and athletes, in addition to myriad other inspired
                                                for purchase.   callings and vocations.
              Indoor                     Saturday, May 11       NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that we, the Commis-
                                                                sioners of Caroline County, proclaim March 15th, 2024, to be

                                                                the official commencement of the celebration of the 250th
                                         Doors open at 7 AM
                                                                anniversary of this venerated place and encourage all loyal
                                    at                          friends of the Green Garden County to reflect on, participate

                                           $15 per spot.
                                                                in, and support the many planned events and activities of our
                                         Vendors welcome!
                                                                jubilee year.
                                         Call to reserve your
             also Town Wide             spot at 443-786-9266    In recognition and support of the many local volunteers who
                                                                have worked tirelessly in the past and present to provide
                                                                historical interpretation and enjoyment for all --
            Caroline County, Maryland
            Proclamation  – Caroline County 250th Anniversary   THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CAROLINE COUNTY:
            WHEREAS, in pragmatic acknowledgement of a desire for late   J. Travis Breeding, President
            colonial dwellers and planters near and along the banks of the   Larry C. Porter, Vice President
            Choptank River, Tuckahoe Creek, and Marshyhope Creek to   N. Franklin Bartz III, Commissioner
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