Page 6 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 6
250 Anniversary If the fates did not allow you to attend 350th anniversary of the founding of
the commemoration in person, that the Maryland colony, and other vintage
Speech and is okay. Instead of my usual creative literary collectibles that tell the story of
Proclamation non-fiction column this month, I am the Green Garden County.
proudly sharing my opening remarks
I read all of them so many times -- which
from that night as well as the wording
by Chad Dean of the official 250th anniversary procla- undoubtedly helped to inspire my choice
of college majors at the undergraduate,
mation offered by the Caroline County
graduate, and PhD level; my vocation as
a Social Studies educator, membership
As faithful readers of the Caroline
Good evening. My name is Charles Dean in literally every history-based organiza-
Review will attest, I, since at least 2021,
the Th ird. This is going to sound corny, tion in this area, the Caroline Past and
have noted on these hallowed pages
but I have been preparing for this event Present side hustle, and has led me to
and elsewhere that Caroline County
for almost forty years. Growing up, I generally pursue history as not just a
should celebrate its founding through-
spent a fair amount of time at my grand- hobby or job but a lifestyle. Even my
out 2023 and 2024. The time has come,
parents’ house. My grandfather Charles wife, historical fiction author Rebekah
and with the help of many volunteers
Dean Sr. was county commissioner at Colburn, was lured into the gravitational
in the community, the 250th anni-
the time, but was also a charter member pull of that mindset.
versary of the creation of the Green
of the Caroline County Historical Soci-
Garden County will be celebrated in So it is indeed an honor to provide
ety and served several years as the presi-
myriad ways, starting with an event at the historical context tonight prior to
dent of that prestigious organization. His
the Museum of Rural Life in Denton the proclamation off ered by the Caro-
dedication to Caroline and its history is
on March 15th. This date is of crucial line County Commissioners as well as
undisputed, so it stands to reason that
importance because the first meeting of the archaeology presentation by the
his coffee table book selection included
the county commissioners, call it a court esteemed Washington College professor,
the locally published commemorative
session as well if you must, occurred on Dr. Julie Markin. That’s my alma mater!
booklets that celebrated the 200th anni-
that exact day in 1774. Serendipity, folks. You’re going to love both her fi ndings
versary of the county and the nation, the
in Oil City and her Alabama twang, by
the way.
Anyhow, while it is true that Mid-Shore
residents had for decades prior inter-
GREENSBORO mittently discussed, albeit perhaps
theoretically, carving another county
HISTORICAL from the Choptank-Tuckahoe corridor,
with local lore even going so far as to
SOCIETY suggest a “King William County” was
proposed to exist here starting in the
1740s, such an administrative unit did
not materialize until years later. Th e time
was indeed right by the 1770s. Caroline
County was created on paper in 1773
The history of pro-wrestling in Caroline County: not by overwhelming popular demand
A scholarly look at sport and spectacle or acute necessity since our population
was so small, spread out, and isolated,
however, but ostensibly as the legis-
April 5, 2024 lative equivalent of a ledger to ledger
6:30 PM transaction. When Harford County
was organized earlier that same year, an
Eastern Shore counterpart was deemed
Greensboro Historical Museum necessary to geographically balance the
104 E. Sunset Ave. number of Maryland counties as part of
Greensboro, MD a roughly applied and informal tradition
first observed by the colonial legislature
in 1674.
Light refreshments will be
served. FREE Event Regardless, while the esteemed William
Richardson is revered in especially the
southern half of this county, where the