Page 49 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 49
welcome! Info: call/text/leave voice mail at 254-683-4763 or
email by April 1. Sponsored by Th e
Hannah Henry Circle.
Annual Tack Swap sponsored by the Delaware Appaloosa
Horse Association will be held from 10 AM to 2 PM at the
Harrington Moose Lodge, 16268 S. Dupont Hwy, Harrington,
DE. Spaces are $35. Set up starts 9 AM. Food available.
Contact Tammy at 302-526-6944 or
MONDAY, APRIL 8 Ridgely Lion’s Club
AARP County AARP Chapter 915 meets at noon, with a 43RD Annual
covered dish luncheon, at the Church of the Nazarene in
Denton. “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind”, presented by Joanne Strawberry
Rue from the Alzheimer’s Association. Guests and new
members are welcome. For more information, call 410-482-
6039. Festival
Ladies, “Mugs & Muffi ns” will be held from 9:30 - 11:30 Martin Sutton Park – Ridgely, Maryland
AM at 9005 Pealiquor Landing Dr., Denton. This is a special
Bible Study just for women. Come join us for a special time of Sunday, May 26
sistership and Bible teaching. All ladies are welcome—bring a th
neighbor/friend. Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market Street, 12 Annual Strawberry Chase
Denton. Contact: 410-924-6404. 5K Run/Walk
SATURDAY APRIL 20 Registration Starts at 7 AM -
Preston Historical Society Musuem Opening Day and Race Begins at 8 AM
Membership Meeting, 10 AM to 2 PM. Gene Harris, Preston
Historical Society Historian, will be giving a presentation on 200 yard dash for kids 5 and under at 7:45 AM
the building of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge at the Preston
Historical Society Museum located at 167 Main Street, Preston. Festival Opens at 9 AM and
The public is invited to attend. The meeting will begin at 10 Ends at 4 PM
AM. For more information visit www.prestonhistoricalsociety.
com or visit Facebook at “Preston Historical Society.” PARADE will start at Noon.
Go to
The Caroline County Republican Women (CCRW) will
meet on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM. Please contact for a parade application.
me at the phone or email listed below for location , which is to
be determined. There will be a guest speaker. All are welcome PARADE Line-Up starts at 10:30 AM
and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Bobbi by text Provident State Bank (Central & Bell Avenues)
to 410-570-0494 or email to
SUNDAY, APRIL 21 For additional information, please visit us
Join us for our 50th Anniversary Celebration. Our Th eme: at, on Facebook at
Celebrating 50 Years of Blessings! 10 AM – Testimonies to Ridgely Lions Club or send an email to
be offered of how they have been blessed. Time of God’s
blessings. 11 AM - Worship service to include our choir,
special music, testimony, and preaching. A delicious luncheon Karen Gibbons-Neff at or 410-330-
follows, hosted by John Wilson and a team of those who
3368. Bake sale items and breakfast sandwiches will also be
help faithfully. This special service is hosted by Dr. Christian
available for purchase. For additional information visit www.
Jensen. Join us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market St, or visit Facebook at “Preston
Denton, 410-924-6404,, www. Historical Society.” SUNDAY, APRIL 28
SATURDAY APRIL 27 Missions Emphasis Sunday. Combined Sunday School
The Preston Historical Society will host an Antique/Vintage at 10 AM – Missionary Jo Ann Foltz, a long-term
Sale Event from 8 AM to 2 PM on the front lawn of the Preston
missionary to Tanzania, Africa, will be reporting on her
Historical Society Museum, located at 167 Main Street,
vibrant ministry to ladies and children. She will also receive
Preston. Vendors may reserve space for $10 by contacting