Page 50 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 50

questions. Morning Worship at  11   us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120   THURSDAY, MAY 2
            AM - choir, Missionary Foltz sharing   Market St, Denton, 410-924-6404,   National Day of Prayer.  Th e Caroline
            her ministry update, special music,, www.  County Christian Clergy Association
            Don Reynolds, Pastor, preaching. Join  is pleased to invite all the residents
                                                                                 of Caroline County to join us on the
                                Save the Date                                    Courthouse Green in Denton for the
                                                                                 annual National Day of Prayer as we
                        Denton Church of the Nazarene                            pray for our county, our country, and

                  VBS 2024  •  June 24-28  •  6:00-8:30 PM                       our world. The service from 12 noon
                                                                                 to 1 PM will include a light meal to
                 10660 Greensboro Rd.  |  Denton, MD  |  410.479.2197            accommodate those taking their lunch
                               Grades Pre-K through 5th                          hours to attend. People of all ages are
                                                                                 welcome. If you have any questions,
                                                                                 please contact Paul Twining, the
                                                                                 National Day of Prayer coordinator
                                                                                 for Caroline County, at 410–916–5704.
                                                                                 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY,
                                                                                 MAY 3 AND 4
                                                                                 Ladies Retreat. Missionary, Keri
                                                                                 Kondracki, will lead this retreat at the
                                                                                 church, and she will speak at our 11
                           Bringing the Bible to life!                           AM service on Sunday, May 5. She is a
                                                                                 dedicated servant of God who travels the
                        This year will be going back in time to the              world for Christ. Friday 7 – 9 PM; a light
                         city of Nazareth when Jesus was a child!                dinner at 6 PM and Saturday 9:30 AM,
                                                                                 with breakfast at 8:30 AM and lunch
                        scan to register or go to           at the end of the conference (around
                                                                                 Noon). Registration is necessary. Call
                                                                                 Nancy Reynolds at 410-924-6344 to
                                                                                 register and for any questions. Join
             Shrimp • Pulled Pork                            All-U-Can-Eat       us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120
             Cole Slaw • French Fries                                            Market St, Denton, 410-924-6404,
             Baked Beans  •  Tea                                       , www.
             Dessert • Coffee                                           
             Lemonade                             Shrimp
                                                                                 SUNDAY, MAY 5
             Adults: $35 per person /                                            10 AM - Sunday School for all ages.
             $55 couple; children 6-12                Night                      11 AM - Worship, choir, Missionary
             $15; 5 & under Free.                                                Keri Kondracki reporting on
                                             First Friday of the Monthh
                                             F irst  F rida y  o f  the M ont    her recent missions trip, special
             CASH BAR                                                            m u sic, B i b le mess ag e ,  D o n
             Bottomless Beer Mug        April 5                                  Reynolds, Pastor, preaching. Join
             Please check our          &  June 7                                 us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120
             Facebook page for                                                   Market St, Denton, 410-924-6404,
             more information.          6-8 PM                         , www.

                       Goldsboro Vol. Fire Co.

                          700 Old Line Road, Goldsboro, MD

              Hall Rentals                      For information on any of the
                                                 above events or hall rental,
                   for all occasions.           visit

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