Page 55 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 55

Town of Denton to Atlantic Coastal   Karen Santo Kram to House Buyers of
            Partners, LLC, Legion Road, Lot 1,   America, Inc., 110 N. School Street,   WELL
            Map 108, Parcel 2439, Denton, $93,053.  Greensboro, $65,000.
            Town of Denton to Atlantic Coastal   700 W. Sunset Ave, LLC to Timothy M.
            Partners, LLC, Legion Road, Lot 2,   King and Brandon M. King, 700 West   DRILLING
            Map 108, Parcel 2439, Denton, $82,497.  Sunset Avenue, Greensboro, $125,000.
            Town of Denton to Atlantic Coastal   Jeanette E. Flagg and Donna Bennett
            Partners, LLC, Legion Road, Lot 3,   to Joshua Sparks, 3463 Laurel Grove   PLASTIC CASING
            Map 108, Parcel 2439, Denton, $20,000.  Road, Federalsburg, $214,000.
            Town of Denton to Atlantic Coastal   Kelsie H. Masters to Blaine Leonard
            Partners, LLC, Legion Road, Lot 4,   Williamson, 3530 Houston Branch     Commerical/Residential
            Map 108, Parcel 2439, Denton, $79,450.  Road, Federalsburg, $100,000.          & Irrigation

            Vernon E. Tawes and Janie Noble Tawes   The Estate of Todd Briggs to Lindsay         Gould
            to Hannah M. Slodov, 14418 Poplar   Andrea Hernandez, 214 E. Central Av-      Also
            Street, Goldsboro, $400,000.       enue, Federalsburg, $81,000.                      Pumps
            James S. Allen and Paula R. Allen   Judith D. Willoughby and Steven Wil-
            to James Trossbach, Jr., 26024 Shore   loughby to Muhammad Arif Ullah,
            Highway, Denton, $325,000.         614 Old Denton Road, Federalsburg,        Lifetime Well
            Judith E. Schaube to Rigoberto Perez                                            Drilling
            Y Perez, 528 Main Street, Goldsboro,   Erick Wilson and Caryn Wilson to       Call Kenny Wood
            $360,000.                          Richard Collins, Jr. and Gina S. Col-
                                               lins, Lot 7 Bowen Drive, Greensboro,
            Judith E. Schaube to Rigoberto Perez Y
            Perez, 1.4 acres - Main Street, TM 11,
            Parcel 127, Goldsboro, $3,000.     Samuel J. Moya to Samuel Paul Ruff o,
                                               8171 Clark Road, Denton, $215,000.


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