Page 58 - April 2024 Issue.indd
P. 58

here for our Seniors on April 24th at   Federalsburg Senior Center   and, to celebrate National Penguin Day,
            10 am to talk about the importance                                   we will decorate Penguin Rocks. We can’t
            of HCV. The Center has plenty of   This month is National Women’s Eye   forget our April Birthday Celebration
            Springtime crafts this month such as   Health & Safety month. Just as we take   Potluck Luncheon & Bingo.
            DIY Wind Chimes, Essential Candles,   care of our bodies with healthy eating

            Spring Theme Blankets, cupcake liner   and including daily physical activity, our   The Center will hold their first ever

            flowers, and Spring Gnomes. We also   eyes need the same TLC. April is also   Dutch Lunch Out. The Seniors will travel
            can’t forget our Springtime Bingo with   Stress Awareness month.     to Easton Applebee’s and have lunch and
            Spring-themed prizes!                                                fellowship. If any of the activities interest
                                               Michelle Hammond will be here on   you, please call the Center and ask for
            This month is National Women’s     April 16 with a Stress Awareness activity   Audra for sign up or activity dates and
            Eye Health & Safety Month. Be sure   for our Seniors.                times.
            to get your eyes and vision checked!
                                               Tyrell James will be here with Healthy
            Just as we take care of our bodies                                   April Birthday: Vanessa Duncan.
                                               Coaching and SAIL exercise during the
            with healthy eating and daily physical
                                               month of April.
            activity, maintaining good eye health
            is important. Healthy eyes are our
                                               The Center has plenty of springtime        )22'
            windows to the world,  help us stay alert
                                               crafts planned this month such as
            and enjoy all the colors of Spring!
                                               Pressed Flower Lanterns, Essential Oil   3$175,(6
                                               Bracelets, Floral Butterfly Frame Craft

                                                                                         Aaron’s Place, Inc.
                                                                                        401 Aldersgate Drive
                                                                                      Tues. 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM;
                                                                                       Wed.  9:30  AM - 3:00 PM
                                                                                    Emergency Food, 443-243-5906
                                                                                        Aarons Place Inc at
                                                                                       Living Waters Assembly
              14374 Benedictine Ln | Ridgely, MD  21660                                9058 Double Hills Road

                      AT MARTIN’S HOUSE & BARN                                       TOWN OF GREENSBORO
                                                                                          Aarons Place Inc.
                       (This is our new name, was previously Saint Martin’s Barn)
                                                                                            113 Main St.,
                     Drive-Thru Pantry and Thrift Store Hours:                         Every other Monday
                                                                                      9 AM to 1 PM and Every
                Tuesday, Thursday, Friday           Martes, Jueves, Viernes            other Thursday Night
                   8:30 am - 11:30 am                 8:30 am - 11:30 am
              Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm        Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
                  Thrift Store is also open First Saturdays 8 am-Noon
                                                                                         Aarons Place Inc
                          FOOD ASSISTANCE:                                            Community Civic League
                                                                                        3439 Laurel Grove Rd,
                           PLEASE CALL OUR BARN MANAGER                               1st & 3rd Wednesday of the
                                 AT 410.634.2537 EXT. 111                               month from 4 to 6 PM
              RENT & UTILITIES ASSISTANCE:                                                  MOBILES

                   PLEASE CALL OUR HOUSING & SUPPORT SERVICES                       Marydel, MD, Federalsburg and
                        COORDINATOR AT 410-634-2537 EXT. 105                            Preston. Questions:
                 All staff at Martin’s House & Barn are following CDC guidelines
                  for social distancing and  COVID prevention, including daily
                              temperature checks and masking.
                     We ask that clients also please wear a mask and maintain
                   distance of six feet when staff bring the food to the vehicle.

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